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20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:17 am
by Taco
My camera sorta broke after many years of faithful service, so I don't take many pics anymore.

I did the descent down Sheep Canyon's headwall today all by my lonesome while our resident mega runner did a run up Baldy for her second time in 2 days. Climbed up Kimchi Ridge (western wall of canyon), which was entertaining with my 'approach boots'. The moves were never above about 5.7 but the exposure, carrying a pack, thick shoes, and being alone means the experience was much more rich than doing a harder sport or trad climb. Woulda been easy and fun, if slow, if done as a tradventure route with a partner. Did a lot of that here in the past. Topped out and handrailed to the dropin.

The first anchor (the really nice one around the tree) was gone, replaced by one close to the edge. Saved 30ft or so but wasn't as nice. Two pieces of webbing and if the trend is still alive as of late, probably like 3 links. Guys, one link is fine...

Rapped down towards the tree only to find there was some slung up stuff on a bush higher up. Bigass rock sorta held in place on top of bush. Couldn't quite remove it safely, so I had to carefully descend to the tree.

Webbing on tall lonely tree (Cedar?) was old and faded, but link was good. Replaced webbing with new stuff.

Took that into the crack, cleaned up ancient anchor bits that were no longer any real good. Rebuilt anchor lower down with webbing scavenged higher up and one link.

I came out of the canyon with about 30ft of old webbing, 5 or 6 rapp rings (all were steel ones except one rolled aluminium), a nonlocker (biner), a locker, a Prusik, and some trash.

Folks low in Icehouse Canyon, PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YERSELVES!! Serious man, waterbottles aren't that heavy! I'm gonna start yelling at people and being a dick next time I see folks trashing our land.

Also, people in general: you don't need so many links and so many strands of webbing! There is a point pretty early on where you're going from safe to paranoid, and making things a mess. One nice strand of webbing around a tree or pinch etc, one link. There are not many situations in established SG canyons where you'd need more. We're not talking fancy stuff here. No need for those huge $5 links with a 3,000lb drop test either. 1760 is damn fine. If you need to use more than one rap ring, then perhaps you should start carrying links instead.

Anywho, not my intention to sound like a dick but hey, a guy's gotta speak his mind every so often.

Some pics...
Scramble up



Kimchi Ridge from dropin or thereabouts.

Some of the rings

Yarr! Shink shink!

Be safe guys (but not too safe, that's just ghey).

Re: 20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:49 am
by Hikin_Jim
Nice to see those old rap rings have found a new place at Taco's home for abused hardware. :)


Re: 20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:12 pm
by AW~
I'll make a motion again to strike the word "canyon" from Sheep canyon. :D

Re: 20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:57 pm
by Uncle Rico
Taco wrote: Folks low in Icehouse Canyon, PLEASE PICK UP AFTER YERSELVES!! Serious man, waterbottles aren't that heavy! I'm gonna start yelling at people and being a dick next time I see folks trashing our land.

Anywho, not my intention to sound like a dick but hey, a guy's gotta speak his mind every so often.
Preach it Taco Man! Since the bitch train has left the station, let me add: Stop cutting switcher peeps! I know I'm preaching to the SGDF choir, but I'm gonna start being a dick myself the next time I see some lazy ass cutting switchbacks so they can save a couple of milliseconds getting back to their car.

Thanks. I feel a little better now. And many thanks to the dude that I saw raking the Ice House Canyon trail a couple of weeks ago. That was totally boss.

Re: 20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:00 am
by Taco
There are now like 50 trails along the Ricehouse Cyn Trail. No more switchbacks, just a spiderweb network of dusty crap.

I'm being overly dramatic but you get the idea.

Re: 20120625 Sheep Cyn

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:41 am
by everyday
its like that on skihut higher up too! trails everywhere! my first time up there Wednesday i was like WTF? which is the real trail....shit wanders all over, I just tried to stay on the one with the most footprints