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Register Ridge Sucks..........

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:04 pm
by hillbasher
The ever living daylights out of you. Had never been up it, so the other day I call a friend and suggest we head up it Thursday afternoon and spend the night out. Would get a differant perspective of the Baldy Bowl area than the one I am used to off the Hut Trail. Started from the car some time after 5PM and hiked until we were able to find a flat enough spot to get 2 sleeping bags down. That turned out to be about half way or so up the ridge. Great eveing under the stars lead to being awake way before 6 AM Friday morning. Sat around shooting the shit until we decided to head on up to the Backbone trail and headed down to the Notch for refreshments. All in all a great first time hike up a trail I have been wanting to do for a long time.
Hiking partner enjoying the view Friday morning
What the heck happened here? A Party?
Two of us thinking about heading to the top.
The final reward that awaited us at the Notch, ice cold IPA

Re: Register Ridge Sucks..........

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:42 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Didn't know there were any flat spots on that ridge. And then some IPA afterwards. Nice.


Re: Register Ridge Sucks..........

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:43 pm
by Ellen
Howdy Hillbasher :)

Great hook with your post title :wink: Love the pictures and captions.

I was introduced to Register Ridge the day after Christmas 2011 by Tina and company.

I didn't know I could get IPA at the Notch -- ARRGH :twisted:

Miles of smiles,

Re: Register Ridge Sucks..........

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:02 pm
by hillbasher
Once we got to the DevilsBackbone trail, we had the difficult choice of turning left and hitting the top of Baldy, or turning right and heading to the Notch for refreshments. You can see which one won out. LOL

Re: Register Ridge Sucks..........

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:55 pm
by JeffH
Great reward! I went up RR on New Year's Day and again a few weeks ago, it will beat you up. But what a great spot to wake up - no traffic, great views, fresh air and a shot of Jack to get going.

Nice job.