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Baldy hike/run

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:23 am
by everyday
Finally I am in W. Covina long enough to go up mt baldy! it was fun, ive never been up there. I started timing at san antonio falls where the pavement ends, went to ski hut tr. ...passed a lil green house at .45 minutes (i just walked that whole part, to rocky in most spots...jogged where i could...ya know..) from lil green house to top was bout 1 more hour. then, when up there i saw that Devils Backbone tr. It looked better for running, so i went that way down, got to some ski lift/store? place then didnt know which dirt rode to take, so i made an educated guess an' watched my Garmin to see...i was right, it finally got me down back to Ryan at san antonio falls in only 3.09 (it was 2.49 of "moving time" i suppose i spent 20 min lookin at stuff and tryin to figure out my way.) It was really fun! ima go up there again sunday i think. Heres the link to my Garmin page if ya wanna see the map n all that stuffs . (if you click on PLAYER in top right itll show time n dist together. garmin says 1.52 to top...etc shows pace down...I like my new garmin! its pretty neat anywho...thats all

Re: Baldy hike/run

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:30 am
by Hikin_Jim
Nice run; nice time. You sure this wasn't a bike ride? :wink:

Pretty spiffy interface that Garmin has there.


Re: Baldy hike/run

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:33 am
by everyday
Ya, i like the garmin alot...and i havent even figured out half of what all it can do. Itsa good toy!

Re: Baldy hike/run

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:38 am
by everyday
Ha! knocked off 11 minutes now that i know where im goin, took me 1.42 to summit on saturday , faster than the first time i posted here on wednesday
:D the whole loop was 2.52 , i dunno if thats good, any other trailrunners on here lemme know what you get (adan/longcut, noman? wats yer times fo this loop? 2.20?)

Re: Baldy hike/run

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:52 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Sounds pretty fast to me. I'd be happy to just get to the top in a two hour time frame, let alone do the whole loop, but then I'm a hiker not a runner.