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Bighorn Peak Overnight

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:28 am
by IcyBacon
Hey yall, in a bit of the best kind of poor judgement I crammed a quick overnight trip between an opening and closing shift last week. Felt like death at work the next day but type 2 fun was had. I'd originally planned on bivying on the Ontario Peak summit, but since I left the Icehouse trailhead at 15:15 that wasn't happening. Kelly's Camp was a tempting stop, but there were clouds of unidentified bugs everywhere so I made a break for Bighorn Peak.
(Quick 360 from Ontario on the left, to Cucamonga on the right, click for bigger)


(Alpenglow on Cucamonga Peak)

It was t-shirt weather until sundown, and only windy at Icehouse Saddle and a few spots along the Bighorn/Ontario ridge. Despite the horrible air quality earlier it was decently clear by sunset, though not clear to the coast. I was very concerned about finding a comfortable spot at first arrival on the summit since the trail hits big rock piles first, but next to the register there is a wonderful sheltered spot big enough for a 2-man tent.



I checked out the register, had some cold grub, and settled in for the night. Since the overnight temp in Baldy Village was supposed to only hit 60 or so, I went with a very light 45 degree bag, knowing I'd regret it but figuring my bivy/liner/baclava combo would be reasonably comfortable. I was fine for a while but sacrificed most of my pillow so I could be toasty in a jacket. I saw a lot of shooting stars, but sadly there was too much light pollution for any sort of starry photos to work.



No critters obviously visited during the night, not even a mouse. I slept pretty horribly and was feeling the altitude, as I always do on the first night out in a while. Finally the sun came around 5am.

(The Santa Ana range out in the morning clouds)

(Sunrise panorama, click for huge)

(The nice bivy spot, with the register in the rocks on the right)

(Looking out towards Ontario Peak, from the register rock pile)

(The Wilson Observatories, impossible to see at dusk but easy in the morning light)

(Looking out at Iron I think)

I left the summit at 7:00, hit the car after a lot of birdwatching at 10:00, and passed several groups coming up for the day. I didn't see any sheep, but had some excellent luck with birds which I'll save for later when I can get to those pictures. Highlights included lots of Western Tanagers, Green-tailed Towhees, and Red-breasted Sapsuckers.

I highly recommend Bighorn for a quiet, comfortable summit stay with fantastic views of the whole Baldy region, and if anyone would like desktop sizes of the photos just ask and I'll happily provide.

Re: Bighorn Peak Overnight

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:38 am
by Hikin_Jim
Type 2 fun? The kind that isn't that fun in the moment but is a lot of fun when you look back on it?

Nice photos. Like this one in particular:

Nice panos too.


Re: Bighorn Peak Overnight

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:54 pm
by JeffH
I like the self-portrait. Great lighting.

Re: Bighorn Peak Overnight

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:09 pm
by blueshammer
Gorgeous photos and a great trip overall. Post-dawn and pre-sunset pictures are the best. What camera do you use?