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June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:22 pm
by GandC
Hey y'all, this is my first TR here, so feel free to let me know what I'm leaving out.

Took off on Wed morning for Chantry Flats and headed up towards Sturtevant Falls. After a quick view of the falls, I backtracked and met back up with the main trail towards Camp Sturtevant, which I had never seen before. Being that it was a Wednesday, I was alone on the trail past the falls. Not a single person until I was on top of Mt. Wilson. Alone as far as people were concerned, anyway. The bugs were ridiculous. I was swarmed if I stopped for more than 10 seconds. Face, arms, legs, all over. Nasty. So I just didn't stop. And that sucked, and made me tired.

It was better at the top of the mountain. There were quite a few people up there with telescopes and what not. I didn't stick around though, I just found the trail down towards Winter Creek and took it. The bugs weren't nearly as bad on that side of the mountain, but they were still there. I took lower Winter Creek through Hoagee's Camp and then back to the car. All in all, it took me about 6 hours to do, and I kept a moving average speed of just about 2.5mph for the day.

It's a pretty hike, but longer than I thought it was going to be. Darn near 16 miles with the detour to see the falls. Lots to see. The bugs really ruined it for me though. The trail is easy to follow through Sturtevant Camp, but on the Winter Creek side, coming down off of the mountain, there are a ridiculous amount of turns and forks that come up with no clear direction as to where they lead. The trail is well defined throughout and not difficult to find in the least. Just take the bug spray and enjoy.


I actually ran into a buddy of mine at Sturtevant Falls who snapped this pic for me.

Kinda self explanatory...

View from near the top.

Some space viewing stuff.

Near the top on the way down.

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:19 pm
by shreddy
Nice pics and report. I looked back on a few occasions today and I had a "bug bubble"

The bugs are crazy up there right now. Was up there today 6-10 and they are relentless. They kept me moving though. Did the following:

Old Mt Wilson Trail to Wilson
Mt Wilson Road to Eaton Saddle
Mt Lowe Fire Road to Sam Merrill
Top Lake

Had my bike locked up at Cobb to take me back to Sierra Madre.
(Scouts doing work on the fence - I asked/ they assured it would not be locked up / keep folks out after hours)

At Wilson some friendly hikers let me use some bug spray. It helped, but they were still coming for blood. Not as bad though with the chemicals.

I think I gave myself a concussion from slapping the bugs off the back of my neck.

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:43 am
by PackerGreg
It's the deer fly. Sturtevant's Camp shuts down for the entire month of June because of them.

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:00 am
by GandC
Thanks for putting a name with it, PackerGreg. I just googled "deer fly", and those things don't sound particularly friendly. At least not to anything that has blood...

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:24 am
by PackerGreg
Later in the year, around September, the little gnats come out, but they don't bite. In fact, except for the occasional individual that gets in your eye, they don't even touch you. But they will drive you mad by buzzing in clouds around your head. Folks in Big Santa Anita Canyon refer to "the canyon wave" when trying futilely to swat them from your face.

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:00 pm
by Burchey
GandC wrote:
Kinda self explanatory...
What is this??

Re: June 6, Mt. Wilson from Chantry Flats

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:02 pm
by GandC
Burchey wrote:
GandC wrote:
Kinda self explanatory...
What is this??
Your face.