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...and sometimes they try to burn you out.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:41 am
by PackerGreg
Maybe you already live in some sort of "smart" development. Maybe you already bike to work, and have crammed yourself into a 400 sq ft apartment over retail space to minimize your carbon footprint. But if you enjoy the mountains (or the beach or the desert or the lake or the river, for that matter), and you think that the United Nations' Agenda 21 Plan, its hit men at ICLEI and non-profits like the Nature Conservancy, and plans like the San Gabriel Watershed and Mountains Special Resource Study will not some day affect you, you are in for a rude awakening.

Re: ...and sometimes they try to burn you out.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:37 pm
by robnokshus
While I will admit that the video you posted of the actions of Ventura County trying to zone businesses out of existence is reprehensible, I have a harder time understanding your angst over Agenda 21, which from my limited perusal seems more directed at developing countries. The other 3 links I have an even harder time understanding your animosity.

As more and more people encroach upon our dwindling wild spaces, they need protection. Would you prefer to see a road re-paved and run up Big Santa Anita Canyon, replete with gated estates and no trespassing signs? How about a nice strip mine in Mineral King? If not for people like John Muir and organizations like the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, many of our pristine wildlands would be paved over with super highways (Highway 168) and covered by housing developements and mining interests (James Watt)

It takes Yin and Yang to achieve balance. Sometimes one side pushes a little harder than the other. One beautiful open space falls to the bulldozer while another gets preserved. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a little more preservation along the East Fork of the San Gabriel River. Consequently, I would like to have a beer at the Pine Mountain Inn and take in one of those wet t-shirt contests. It's all about balance.