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Solar Eclipse pictures

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:37 pm
by RichardK
Here are a few pictures that I took of the partial solar eclipse. They were taken at Mountain View Park in Fullerton. It was the nearest high point with westerly views to near the horizon. The camera is a Sony NEX-7 with a Thousand Oaks Optical black polymer solar filter. The filter provides the orange color. The lens is a Sony 18-200mm zoom all the way out at 200mm (300mm 35mm film equivalent).

The first image was made at 4:56 PM. You can see a sunspot near the top of the sun.

The second one was made at maximum eclipse at 6:38 PM. 86% of the sun is covered.

The third one was made at 7:03 PM as the sun was settng behing the trees. Two sunspots are visible here.


