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Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 1:50 pm
by Phil B
I think it was 2005 since I was last on Copter Ridge, I remember how beautiful it was, so I was disappointed to see the first half mile of the Ridge hike down from Mt Hawkins had been burned out by recent fires. However, not to be put off I headed down the ridge and found the lower sections as beautiful as ever.
I did,nt see any register/log on either Hawkins or Throop, is somebody going round removing them? in the past they used to be there. Still yesterday(05/19/2012) turned out to be a great day for hiking the Middle Range peaks, think I will do Ross next weekend.

Pics : ... &k=KGw65pD



Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:42 pm
by jfr
Phil B wrote: I didn't see any register/log on either Hawkins or Throop, is somebody going round removing them?
Maybe these peaks need the heavy-duty bolted-down stainless steel boxes like on Telegraph Peak. With beer-bottle openers!

As for me, I always like to check out peak registers, and why someone would feel the need to remove them (and carry them out!) is beyond me. Maybe they're on some sort of mildly insane personal mission. Like the people who knock down "ducks" or cairns. Or the bullies who stomp on other kids' sand castles...

Anyway, nice trip report and nice pictures. BTW, that red plant that your photo comment asked about is called a Snow Plant. Really.

Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 7:25 am
by Phil B
Thanks Jfr,

Yes some registers can be quite interesting, in a way they are part of the mountain folklore. I recall that on Morris Peak the register went back to 1963, thats almost 50 years of hiking history.


Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:30 am
by HikeUp
Phil B wrote: ... think I will do Ross next weekend.
So did you make it to Ross? Been awhile since we've had a Ross TR! :wink:

Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:50 pm
by Phil B
Hey Hikeup,
Yes, i hiked Ross on Saturday (05/26/2012), it was cold starting off with a lot of ice on the trees. The clouds began to close in as soon as I began the ridge decent from Baden-Powell, which was a pity because it obscured some great views of Iron Mountain and the San Antoniio ridge. The usetrail is easy to follow,but, really all you do is keep near the top of the ridge and you can't go wrong, the ridge is south facing and on a hot day the 2000 ft ascent back to Baden-Powell would require extra water, still on Saturday, that was not something I needed to be concerned about as the cloud cover held up to 9000 ft. I ended up having fun taking pictures of trees and stuff, got back to Dawson Saddle at about 2.30pm for another great day in the San Gabriels..

Cheers Phil

Pics: ... &k=zvp7ZW6

Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:56 pm
by HikeUp
Cool. Thanks!

Is it possible to add Ross to the title of the thread!

Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:24 pm
by Phil B
Yep, that should do it.

Re: Dawson Saddle to Copter Ridge(19 May) & Ross Mtn 26 May)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:43 am
by mattmaxon
jfr wrote: As for me, I always like to check out peak registers, and why someone would feel the need to remove them (and carry them out!) is beyond me. Maybe they're on some sort of mildly insane personal mission. Like the people who knock down "ducks" or cairns.
I doubt they are carried out, I've found a few chucked into the brush, tossed off the mountain etc.

Some I feel is hatred of the Sierra Club, some likely feel this is destroying the wilderness/environment.

This wilderness environment thing extends to ducks and carins

As to the ducks, I have knocked down my share, many are misleading or just plain useless.

Ducks on a route a blind person could follow? Really? :roll:

Duck at a key or confusing spot sure...

I have had people SCREAM at me I was ruining the forest by working on the trail, ruining their wilderness experience. Want to know where I got my training and couldn't the forest service do it better?

I had my equipment repeatedly vandalized, stolen, scattered

It doesn't take all kinds but we have them anyway.

I've said it before and I'll take it to my grave "Only in the Angeles"