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Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:51 am
by robnokshus
Anyone else smell anything fishy about this? ... 6407.story

They never say why they are looking for him, but you don't send over 150 law enforcement personnel out just because you are "concerned." The fact that they mention he may be "suicidal & armed" leaves me with the impression that they don't intend to find him alive. Has anyone heard anything else about this?

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:40 pm
by robnokshus
Hey! Maybe the FBI should get in touch with these Intelius folks?

Ivens by Robnokshus, on Flickr

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:37 pm
by cougarmagic
robnokshus wrote: Hey! Maybe the FBI should get in touch with these Intelius folks?
That is really really funny!

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:26 pm
by robnokshus
So I was hiking in the Verdugos today and three ERT vehicles passed me. the first two each had four non-uniformed camo-wearing men in them, while the 3rd vehicle was piloted by an LA County Sheriff. The vehicles were four-wheeled buggy type things that reminded me of the "Banana Buggies" the Banana Splits drove in that ancient Saturday morning show. They almost looked amphibious. They also had some odd looking box on the top. Don't know if it was an infrared device or what.

Obviously they have not let up on this search and are still aggresively pursuing Mr. Ivens. I wonder if the full story will ever come out?

Anyone hear any more on this?

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:36 pm
by robnokshus
The vehicles looked sort of like this, only smaller:

1346_rcmp_imageshrinker-1 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

kind of a trip seeing these things motoring about the hills above Burbank.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:53 pm
by robnokshus
Please forgive my continued posting on this subject but I just stumbled across this article: ... ll-insane/

I am not familiar with the publication and cannot vouch for its accuracy, but man, this story is NOT being told here!

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:30 pm
by cougarmagic
I thought it was almost laughable that they were searching for him by helicopter. If they think he's there, they should be on foot checking the canyons, not driving along the road as if he's just gonna be hanging out on one of the park benches.

Except I don't want them to do that, because they'll scare the animals!

The article seemed like something from the National Enquirer IMO.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:15 pm
by PackerGreg
I guarantee they're planning another, yes, I said another, staged "terrorist" attack. Whistle blowers like him always wind up with child porn implanted on their computer, dead of "natural causes" with arsenic in their system, or found, after being declared distraught, with handcuff marks on the wrists and a "suicidal" gunshot wound in the back of the head.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 9:23 am
by Tim
They called off the search a few days ago: ... opped.html

He probably was never in the Verdugos and took off somewhere else. Or they already got to him and he'll be "missing" forever.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:34 am
by robnokshus
They found Mr. Ivens body yesterday. Two "un-identified hikers" noticed a "suspicious odor" behind St. Francis of Xavier Catholic Church off of Scott Rd. in Burbank and alerted authorities. The official law enofrcement word is that Mr Ivens had probably killed himself there the day he went missing.

Really? This is pretty close to his home from where he disappeared. They supposedly tracked him from his home with bloodhounds yet were unable to find him yards away? As for the "suspicious odor" the idea that someone caught a whiff of the body after 80 days in the open is suspicious to me. As Cougar Magic and others can attest, these hills are alive with critters: coyotes, mountain lions, bob cats... I have a hard time believing that there would be much left of him to identify, let alone smell. The area is ringed with homes, apartments and a catholic church. You're telling me that nobody noticed the smell a week after his disappearance, but 80 days, whew!

I suspect we will never really know what happened here. It makes me long for the days when we had real investigative journalism, instead of the parroting of press releases and official spokepeople that passes for news today.

My condolences to his family.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:04 pm
by PackerGreg
In the 90's they called it committing Arkancide.

Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:42 pm
by Hikin_Jim
robnokshus wrote: Please forgive my continued posting on this subject but I just stumbled across this article: ... ll-insane/

I am not familiar with the publication and cannot vouch for its accuracy, but man, this story is NOT being told here!
What a comforting thought.


Re: Manhunt in the Verdugos for Missing FBI Agent

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:46 am
by AlanK