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MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:19 am
by everyday
Ran the canyon again yesterday, no matter what I do, I cant seam to get up that "wall" (the Kaibab trail) at anything faster than 2.33.. MPH :( Any advice from other runners to get faster on this? It gains 4800ft in 6.9 miles, so maybe thats just as fast as it gets without being younger??-haha Also, is 2.33mph ok for that ele gain in that distance? I dont have any runner friends or race, so i never know whats good... *EDIT-did math wrong, Im doin it in 2.85MPH it only takes me 2hr 25 min to get up

heres a pic of what im try to get better/faster on maybe i should start doin it once a week insteada once a month n ide get try that for the next month n see how it goes any other advice is welcome

Image :D

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:38 am
by mattmaxon
while I'm not a runner I have tracked my travels for years with a GPS.

After looking at data for years, I've come to the conclusion some cross training is required.

I firmly believe at least for me Mt Biking on steep roads will improve your up hill time, hiking running, or whatever

As I say I have no documented evidence just an overall feeling this works for me

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:56 am
by everyday
Ok! cool, I'll try biking, theres no hills here on the rim, and you cant ride in the canyon, but i can go to the company gym and use their exercise bike with lotsa resistance i suppose.... along with runnin it more often :D

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:00 am
by mattmaxon
everyday wrote: Ok! cool, I'll try biking, theres no hills here on the rim, and you cant ride in the canyon, but i can go to the company gym and use their exercise bike with lotsa resistance i suppose.... along with runnin it more often :D
If they had a stair climber that might be something to add to the training regime

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:05 am
by everyday
OK, If they do ill try it too , thanx :D , right now my only crosstraining are my morning Kettlebell workouts.

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:14 am
by mattmaxon
everyday wrote: OK, If they do ill try it too , thanx :D , right now my only crosstraining are my morning Kettlebell workouts.
I'm also thinking a GPS to track your progress... See if you're improving and where you're slowing down.

There will be small improvements over time and it may be discouraging, but the GPS will document these incremental improvements

It seems to me it's better to be tortoise than a hare. Steady pace will win this race!

Re: MPH on steep inclines

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:36 am
by everyday
OOps, i did my math wrong. I average 2.85mph. Its 6.9 miles, i do it in 2hr 25 minutes. So, that minutes converts ta 2.42 in decimal chart....blah blah blah, ya, im doin 2.85mph, thats more like it! I still wanna get to 2hr 10 min sumday, so i gotta lose a lil more than 2 minutes per mile, woah, that seems like a lot.

As to GPS. thats impossible for me, I only make minimum wage and i dont always get 40hours a week, I can barely afford food and running shoes n sox. Ive wanted a gps for over a year, its just not gonna happen unless i steal it, ha I do have a stopwatch i use though, so i know by checkin that how im doing. I always remember my previous times at my locations on the trails so Im aware of how im doing or faster/slower at any point