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20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:14 am
by Taco
Scott, Aysel, Yannick, Shirley, Amanda and I did some big stuff. First descents or whatnot. Two big rapps, first one was 370ft, second was 350ft.

We got a core shot on the second rappel. So, we had to pass it 200ft up in the air. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.





Aysel going down first on the 370ft'er


A bit far down eh?




Tiny people



Close up



Next rapp 350ft


Right before reaching the core shot

At a ledge most of the way down, after passing the core shot.


Amanda and Aysel with the core shot we all passed. Nobody died.

Going home, with the 370ft'er in the background

A short rapp

Going home

Album with a couple videos: ... ?start=all

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:17 pm
by Elwood
Beautiful pictures Mr. Taco. Those 300' ++ rappels are way cool.

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:18 pm
by everyday
Im so glad youre all ok. Especially you hon. aside from the NDE, It looks really cool!

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:10 am
by norma r
Glad you got a chance to go out there and experience a DV mega canyon. I really loved the day i spent in Cerebus in Dec. Very cool, Taco et al!... 'cept for that core shot, freaky.

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:04 am
by RichardK
Super pictures! Thanks for posting. You just have to love Death Valley. It's hard to believe that 150 years ago the 49er's were struggling to get out of the place alive. Now it's a playground.

By the way, check out Michel Digonnet's description of Bad Canyon in "Hiking Death Valley". I keep hoping one of our canyoneers will take on it's 200 foot dryfall.

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:26 pm
by Taco
I think folks do Bad Cyn on a regular basis, no?

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:08 pm
by turtle
RichardK wrote: By the way, check out Michel Digonnet's description of Bad Canyon in "Hiking Death Valley". I keep hoping one of our canyoneers will take on it's 200 foot dryfall.
A photo from Bad Canyon of a smaller (but much more aesthetic) dryfall down canyon from the 200 foot dryfall you mention.


Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:24 pm
by turtle
Taco wrote: Two big rapps, first one was 370ft, second was 350ft.

We got a core shot on the second rappel. So, we had to pass it 200ft up in the air. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.
Yikes! :shock:

A few questions from someone trying to understand this a bit better... please don't take them as criticism or Monday-morning quarterbacking. From the Widowmaker thread it's abundantly clear I should be the last to do that!

1) Did the core shot occur at some sort of obvious feature? A rough spot on the rock? Perhaps a lip where a less-than-vertical polished chute transitioned to a free rappel?

2) Were you moving the rope between rappellers?

3) Would you describe the rope as "fully-static" or "semi-static"? Was there much bouncing on rappel?

4) Did you consider isolating the core shot with an alpine butterfly and passing it on rappel? (Only an option if either (a) you are confident there are no equally large rappels down canyon, (b) you can escape the canyon, or (c) you are prepared to spend one or more nights awaiting rescue.)

Re: 20120218 Death Valley Canyoneering - BIG rapps

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:16 am
by Taco
Hey Mark, I'll talk to you in person about it. :-) I'm implementing a no-explaino online policy. :-) I think I'm getting more stressed-out explaining it to people online than actually living through it. :-)

(that said...
1. Not really
2. Yes
3. Randy's rope, no clue
4. Yes, but was not possible due to things I'd explain in person)