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Baldy via the Ski Hut

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:01 pm
by 666-The Beast
With this kind of warm weather, a wasting wed, I had to go there again to enjoy a nice day on Baldy. Started late, 10:45, with a sluggish propel to the ski hut after bit of drinking on wed the body did not want to stay on the rabbit mode! Huffy-puffy showed up again and I kept thinking I should only go as far as the hut and then rush home for the beer treat. Hardly no one on the trail past the bowl made me wonder if something was wrong! and it was; no snow on the bowl...the white showed up on the shady uphill side past the bowl. I wore plain super light running shoes and had no problems going up or going back down. No gaiters or crampons are needed, for some the sticks will be just fine after I passed some youngins wearing city sneakers. After you reach the top of the first ridge the rest of the trip is really easy going with a few white spots here and there. Finally after the 2nd hell uphill ridge I managed to adjust and move my self to the top in a 2,5hrs. Nice views all around except the wind was a bit cold and annoying with hardly no place to sit down out of the breeze. With no desire to put on extra clothes I decided to head back down to warmer weather...Such a great day to be there...666

Re: Baldy via the Ski Hut

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:25 pm
by Logan
Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I am going up tomorrow.

Re: Baldy via the Ski Hut

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:07 pm
by 666-The Beast
Logan wrote: Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I am going up tomorrow.
Thanks Logan, lucky you, what great way to celebrate with this first hike of the new year! 60 and sunny for monday! Enjoy every moment of it for I am sure it won't last for long. Soon it will be time for the snow people to have their fun on Baldy. I wish I could go there again but I must stay on half the elevation for monday. Happy new hiking year where ever you go.... 666

Re: Baldy via the Ski Hut

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:26 am
by cr2crf
666-The Beast wrote: With this kind of warm weather, a wasting wed, I had to go there again to enjoy a nice day on Baldy. Started late, 10:45, with a sluggish propel to the ski hut after bit of drinking on wed the body did not want to stay on the rabbit mode! Huffy-puffy showed up again and I kept thinking I should only go as far as the hut and then rush home for the beer treat. Hardly no one on the trail past the bowl made me wonder if something was wrong! and it was; no snow on the bowl...the white showed up on the shady uphill side past the bowl. I wore plain super light running shoes and had no problems going up or going back down. No gaiters or crampons are needed, for some the sticks will be just fine after I passed some youngins wearing city sneakers. After you reach the top of the first ridge the rest of the trip is really easy going with a few white spots here and there. Finally after the 2nd hell uphill ridge I managed to adjust and move my self to the top in a 2,5hrs. Nice views all around except the wind was a bit cold and annoying with hardly no place to sit down out of the breeze. With no desire to put on extra clothes I decided to head back down to warmer weather...Such a great day to be there.....
Am I missing something? I can't view the pics. I was hoping for a quick look before heading up this weekend. When I click on the link it sends me to a login page for yahoo/flicker.

Thanks for the report, though.

Re: Baldy via the Ski Hut

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:17 am
by 666-The Beast

Am I missing something? I can't view the pics. I was hoping for a quick look before heading up this weekend. When I click on the link it sends me to a login page for yahoo/flicker.

Thanks for the report, though.[/quote]

Where have you been, the free and easy show is over!!! I am facing economic hardship, Cali -"PIIG"- state style.
The cams AAA battery budget is eating away into to my primo beer funds along with the disturbing news from flicker d....r that I have to pay yearly for a permanent display of my pictorial masterpieces. Also I have a dire need to upgrade the cam for an improved visual and hopefully video show in the future. I am in negotiations with flick to create an app in order to charge my account .25 cents per view from people like you, who want the easy way out; but the free show is over!!!. Normal people, just get in the car and go to the mountain, you want details you're gonna have to pay now! Keeping up with the times here!

The report is free, the pics you pay now, so to take a bit of pity on ya, its summer time in Baldy now or anywhere else in the high country!
So no need to view anything before you go; get in the car and go there and enjoy the mountains.......666