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20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:24 pm
by Taco
My friend Deb and I knocked out an unknown canyon near Morris Dam yesterday. Probably the first descent AND FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE, one worth doing again! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

7 rapps, longest was 100ft from anchor to touchdown. No special anchor challenges or anything. Water flow was minimal, just enough to soak your feet. Some healthy booshwhacking on the way in, as well as towards the end of the canyon. Really nice shaded canyon the rest of the time.

The canyon ends just south of Morris Dam. You exit via the road that reaches the base of the dam and heads across the river and up to R39.

This was Deb's first time canyoneering. She is a very experienced climber.


Looking down from the top of the canyon

Clearing up... bad photo

Deb atop Rapp 1


Some downclimbing

Next rapp


ID THE SUCCULENT!!!!! This one is different from most you see.

Down from one of the final rapps

Ze dam, boss! Ze dam!


Just long enough! 100ft rapp anchor-to-touchdown

Pic of Deb taken from atop 'The Bunker'

Rapping off 'The Bunker'. Post-apocalyptic canyoneering right here.

Final rapp

Cheers errrrrrrrbody!

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:57 pm
by Taco
Also, we found eleven of those metallic balloons in this canyon. ELEVEN. How the heck did they all die here? I've seen hundreds up here in my life, but never so many in one place.

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:38 pm
by Mike P
Taco, how much poison oak do you go through when you go down canyons like these?

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:39 pm
by Elwood
Does "bunker" = secret SGMDF lair? Great pictures. I love the shot of Morris Dam.

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:52 pm
by lilbitmo
Dam, nice pictures - I'll second Mike P's question, how much PO is there on those cayoneer trips - I'm itching just looking at those pictures. :shock: :D

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:34 pm
by Taco
Usually we find a crapton of PO. There wasn't much now, but it is basically "fall" at the moment, so it's harder to spot as they shed their leaves. I don't think we had much in this canyon.

Elwood, if only. That would be cool.

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:56 pm
by cougarmagic
Nice. There's a lot of variety in that one, what with the structures and all.

I agree - looked like Poison Oak National Park to me. Good esteemed forum member here (Ryhmes with Jatt Jaxon) recently found out he is no longer immune. It don't last forever!

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:14 pm
by Taco
LOL that sucks. Poor Jatt. ;-)

It kinda reminded me of Bailey Canyon, but better, sorta kinda. Same sorta foliage, same sorta rock, and the same general feel.

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:06 pm
by everyday
As to the poison oak question, The few canyons ive gone to out there Ive only gotten PO once. It wasnt too bad. Anyways, it's totally worth it imo. I mean, ya gotta expect to get beat up at least a little doing stuff like this. just the price you pay for exploring new places and having fun. If you dont want scratches, bug bites or a rash then stay outa the woods foo's :wink:

Re: 20111228 Morris Canyon Foist Dissent

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:41 pm
by Taco