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Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:20 pm
by shreddy
Looking East from the SGV / 210 freeway, or looking down from above on the toll road there's a forested ridge. The grove is obviously been planted by man.

Hiked from OMW trail to Toll road then ran down the toll road today and wondered again. Didn't want to expend the energy today to check it out for myself.

What's the story of this ridge? Anyone know??

Happy Trails!

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:35 pm
by HikeUp
I'm guessing you are referring to the ridge/high point 3681'. Bunch of nice pine trees. Not sure of the story but here are some pics from my last visit almost 2 years ago.


Bunch of man made stuff up there too - cables, posts, etc.

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:59 pm
by shreddy
That's the place! Thanks for the pics and TR. I wonder why those trees are up there.

Also - Rock slide pile up is still up there on the Toll Road. For some reason I thought they cleared it.

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:31 am
by PackerGreg
This is my best recollection: after Captain Henninger, the place was occupied by the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection. They had a nursery for growing tree seeds, and experimental forests, head up by Theodore Lukens. They also had a nursery on the site of present day Farnsworth Park at the top of Lake Ave, near the Cobb Estate. If you want the details go to the main Altadena library and read Altadena's The Golden Years by Robert H. Peterson (1977) and Altadena by Sarah Noble Ives (1938).

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:58 pm
by PackerGreg
I found my copy of Altadena's Golden Years. Not much more info, but an old photo of the nursery...


Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:30 pm
by PackerGreg
"In 1906, George Peavy planted the ridges above Henninger and around the firebreak protecting the site."

I love history!! ... ry1800.asp

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:58 pm
by HikeUp
Good job Greg! :D

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:34 pm
by shreddy
Appreciate your enthusiasm for the history of the San Gabes. There are so many interesting nooks and crannies in these mountains. Kind of like a Thomas' english muffin.

I have Robinson's History book as well as Glen Owens among others. Always enjoy reading about the history of the range. Keep it coming. I'll check out Altadena, The Golden Years. Thanks for the tip!

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:11 pm
by 1redforester
Hi all, that ridge is what we refer to as Mt Fuji and it is privately owned. I don't believe the FS or LA County planted it because I have never seen it mentioned in any documents relating to plantations within the county. It does not mean that the land owner did not aquire trees from Henninger Flats and do it themselves. If it was planted judging from the size of the trees I would say it would have been roughly 100 years ago about the time the first trees at Henninger Flats were planted. I know the site is at least on it's fourth owner. On another note CDF never owned or operated at Henninger Flats. The Forest Service were the ones who started the nerserey program and LA County Forester and Fire Worden (LA County Fire) took over in the 1920's. I am A County Forester at Henninger Flats so stop in and say hi sometime.

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:39 am
by shreddy
Interesting - Thanks 1redforester

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:45 am
by PackerGreg
1redforester, do you still have old ANF/Mt Lowe Railway films up there?

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:06 pm
by 1redforester
Glad to help, as always if you see something strange let us know down at the flats. We have hunting issues as well as other things.

Re: Forested Ridge East of / Higher than Henninger

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:15 pm
by 1redforester
[quote="PackerGreg:39024"]1redforester, do you still have old ANF/Mt Lowe Railway films up there?[/quote]

Yes we do and will show them to you, just ask.