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Mt. Langley (October 14-16)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:56 pm
by rokclimbr

So on Friday myself, Chad & Annie drove up to Lone Pine and found a nice spot in the Alabama Hills. The moon was bright and around 3/4 full so we climbed by moonlight on a Jackie's Rack (a fun 5.6 hand crack) while watching the shooting star show (we saw one falling star that left a huge green trail and right above the White Mountains it exploded!). Saturday we retrieved the rope that we had left hanging from the anchors and drove into Lone Pine to get our permit. Then we drove up to the Cottonwood Lakes trailhead where we hiked into Lake #3 and setup Camp. Sunday morning we awoke at 0430, cooked breakfast in the tent and walked up to Old Army pass with headlamps where we donned crampons and ascended Old Army pass. We summited Mt. Langley around 10am and were back in camp in time for a long nap in the sun before packing up and hiking out. We had burgers and beer at Season Restaurant and got back into LA around 2300. A good solid weekend. Enjoy the photos :D

Chad & I - about 1 mile down the trail

Chad & Annie :)

Cirque Peak

Lake #3

Our campsite

We spent a lot of time soaking in the sun and enjoying the wind and silence

Chad sure that camp is that way...Phew! I am so glad they put that sign there, I was almost lost...

Who wants to take the trail around the side when you can go straight up it. Some 5th classing behind our camp...


Cramponing up the Old Army Pass

View from the top of Old Army just as the sun was popping up over the horizon.

Saw 5 Bighorn sheep in the morning (above are three we spotted down low on Langley).

4th classing up the final obstacle before the summit

THE SUMMIT (very cold and windy)

Various views from the summit, can you guess which peaks are in the photos?

Very tired and VERY happy campers back at the car :D

Re: Mt. Langley (October 14-16)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:35 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Nice! Looks like the weather was actually really good for this time of year. Thanks for posting so many photos.