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Missing Hiker: Silver Mocassin/PCT-Baden Powell to Chantry

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:19 pm
by whatmeworry
Search and rescue teams are currently searching for a missing 30 y.o. male hiker. The subject is overdue from a short overnight hike as noted below.

Planned route of travel was from Vincent Gap to Chantry Flat along the PCT/Silver Mocassin Trail. Route of travel may have included the usual intermediate points including Little Jimmy, Cloudburst, Chilao, etc.

The subject is 6'4" tall and weighs approx. 220 lbs. He is reportedly wearing jeans and a white t-shirt and carrying gear for overnight. He has very short blonde hair.

If you were hiking in/around the area anytime between last Thursday and today, please contact me via PM.

Thank you.

Re: Missing Hiker: Silver Mocassin/PCT-Baden Powell to Chantry

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:38 pm
by MtnMan
I think I heard there were 5 separate missing hiker reports yesterday in the forest. Crazy day.

To my knowledge, they are still out looking for this guy, but my understanding is that he was on a multi- day hike (as in 3-4 days), not just an overnight, as the Silver Mocassin Trail/PCT from Chantry to Vincent Gap is 53 miles.

Re: Missing Hiker: Silver Mocassin/PCT-Baden Powell to Chantry

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:49 pm
by whatmeworry
The missing subject has been located uninjured.

Thanks to everyone for providing valuable feedback on what you observed while on your hikes.

All the information is valuable in putting together the pieces of the puzzle.

Re: Missing Hiker: Silver Mocassin/PCT-Baden Powell to Chantry

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:12 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Glad they found him and he's OK.