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Grand canyon time

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:37 pm
by everyday
Hmmm, wasnt sure if this belongs here or under the running section, but whatever, its here now.
Anyways, Ive been hiking and trail-running more the last week or two and have felt lately that my body's finally gotten used to living at 7000ft elevation. I get better times everyday after work along the rim trails, so, today was my day off work and ide decided to do the Kaibab to Phantom Ranch to Bright Angel trail again. Id done it 3 weeks ago befor i was aclimated and it took me a whole 5hrs 30mins to get up the 9.5mile bright angel trail! So, I had to fix THAT.
So I started at the Kaibab trailhead at 5:22AM, walked the first mile or so to warm up, then ran the rest of the way...not too quick though, I wanted to be real consevative so Id have more energy left for the uphill part over on the next trail. I still got an OK time though, I made it to the bottom at Phantom Ranch in 83mins 20sec. (that section is easy, all down and only a lil over 7miles.)
I rested at the bottom about 30mins, then got my mind right to work my way up the 9.5 mile trail. And its all up, no level ground, sorta like skyline in san J. And I did it in 3hrs 43min 26sec. a whole 1hr 47mins faster than 3 weeks ago. Which is pretty cool, its interesting how much of a HUGE difference getting used to the elevation makes! 1hr 47min is a LOT of time to ditch! (ive quit drinking n smoking, too lately, so that probably helps as well...)
anyways, i did take a couple pics cause when i dont, I get txt msgs saying "take more pics!", even though it messes with my times, heres a couple :D -Im sure you guys'll get zillions of pics of the Grand Canyon when Tina n all them get out here, theyre pic freaks from what ive seen, lol.
I didnt take any on the way down, but heres some at the bottom, n on the way up

The Colorado



Where i check my time, at the bottom (that sign is a lil past Phantom, back the way i came. )



My bench to check water supply at n eat n sit down for a few



time to go up...for a looong time ,Bright Angel trail




lil waterfalls (like 5ft)



Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:20 pm
by Taco

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:42 am
by TracieB
More pics! :D

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:23 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Nice. And fast.


Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:30 pm
by everyday
Thanx, but THIS is fast! and really cool! He ran past me a couple weeks ago on the Kaibab trail and made me feel pathetic! lol :D ... cleID=9353

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:54 pm
by Hikin_Jim
You should definitely compare yourself to him. :shock:


Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:39 am
by everyday
Ha! I wasnt comparing at all. I only judge my times against my OWN previous times. But for a distance trailrunner I AM just average. Even my distances arnt much. My Dad has run the Western States 100 (miles) like 5 times and always finishes well. And has run lotsa 50 mile trail races too. I couldnt run 50, and have NO desier to run 100 in less than 24hrs! IMO those people are nuts, lol.

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:17 pm
by everyday
...then again, since I can never find anyone else who trailruns, I honestly dont know if my times are good or average. I just got a subscription to trailrunner magazine, so ima see if they post other peoples times/distances/terrain/elevations. Then ill know :D

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:29 am
by Taco
You're so slow. :-)


Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:59 pm
by everyday
not uh! faster than you foo!
-Im gonna do it again in 2 weeks :D

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:08 pm
by Taco
Wanna race?

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:47 am
by everyday
Sure. ill race you across the canyon when you get here, thatd be fun! :D

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:03 pm
by Taco
I'll do the whole thing were we both rev up and I let you go racing ahead while I duck into an alley to go to sleep. :-)

Re: Grand canyon time

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:37 pm
by everyday
havent been down 'n up this week or last. Im just working on being faster. Im consistently getting under 9 min miles for my rim-trail runs of 6miles per day at 7000ft. I should be hitting 8min 20sec per mile in the next 2 or 3 weeks im hoping. when i hit that ill do the canyon again n see if that carries over to my 18mile runs. (when i started the 6 mile rim-trail runs i could only get 10 min miles cause the first half is uphill, and i wasnt used to the elevation yet) ok,thats all 8)