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Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:51 am
by friendowl
Where are some good spots to spend a hot summer day with the kids.
I know about the east fork of the sg river and west fork, i been to bear canyon by switzers, i have been to and love matilija river, and i already jumped off the rocks in malibu creek park.Deep creek is pretty cool.... Any ideas of where to look next ?

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:17 pm
by longcut
Sespe is beddy beddy nice right now. I understand it dries out in summer but for another month or so it is perrrrfect and it was extremely clean too since you have to hike in. you can swim within a few hundred yards but a mile or two will bring you to some bigger holes.

San Antonio creek has some nice holes right along the road and for whatever reason it's not as popular with the crowds.

East fork has always been a fav of mine but its very washed out and flat right now, most pools are nothing more than large sections of pocket water, very few deep sections until you get further up where the larger rock formations prevent erosion.

have fun!

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:07 pm
by mattmaxon
San Antonio creek is pretty cold

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:06 pm
by Hikin_Jim
An easy access one (for the kids) is Hermit Falls. They're not marked on the topo map, but they're in the vicinity of the gauging station shown on the map. It's actually a set of three falls. There's a mid-sized pool at the bottom of the second falls and a pretty big pool at the bottom of the third falls. Unfortunately for your kids, the big pool requires class 3 (non-technical) rock climbing to reach. If they're teenagers, the rock climbing may not be a problem.


Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:01 pm
by Mike P
If you want to travel this summer try Bull Run Creek north of Kernville. See the Bull Run topo The pool marked as "A" is extremely deep. We have tried to dive to the bottom. It's impossible! Immediately upstream are granite slides and small pools which kids would love.

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:08 am
by PackerGreg
There are several good spots in Big Santa Anita Canyon [map]:

1) The one Jim mentioned, Hermit Falls.
2) A series of three pools above Sturtevant Falls - from Fern Lodge Junction (before the falls) take the Upper Falls Trail to about 100 yards upstream from the top of the waterfall
3) Slider Rock has a groove in it that makes a natural waterslide into a small but deep pool. Right on the main trail near cabin #50, upstream from the "Boy Scout Bridge" - about where I have Maytag Canyon labeled on the map.
4) There is swimming hole in the East Fork (of Big Santa Anita), cleverly named the East Fork Swimming Hole, that is similar to the ones Bear Canyon/Arroyo, and site of all The Canyon's skinny dipping in the 70's, but there is no longer a trail.
5) Somewhere in that watershed there is something called the Zen Pool, but I'll leave it a mystery to protect the guilty.

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 am
by whatmeworry
Hermit Falls is one of the "hot spots" in the San Gabriels for swimming. Do a Google video search on "Hermit Falls" and you'll see what I mean.

Hermit Falls used to be pretty quiet and out of the way destination out of Chantry Flat. Not anymore. Any warm day and it is packed. The weekends are crazy.

There have been quite a few injuries, including some very serious accidents and one fatality there. Be careful if you are going to be diving from the cliffs. :shock:

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:38 am
by PackerGreg
And don't forget to bring your spray paint :x

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:11 pm
by friendowl
this place has me curious.....i would like to explore this area

Is it best to follow the river downstrean from hermit falls or is there a better way of entering the east fork

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:03 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Mike P wrote: If you want to travel this summer try Bull Run Creek north of Kernville. See the Bull Run topo The pool marked as "A" is extremely deep. We have tried to dive to the bottom. It's impossible! Immediately upstream are granite slides and small pools which kids would love.
Sounds like a nice one. I'm supposed to be up there next month. I might check it out.

How does one get back in there? Just follow the canyon up from the main road or do you take side roads so you can get back in there a little further?


Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:24 pm
by PackerGreg

Hermit Falls and the East Fork of BigSAC are in different directions from Chantry Flat. Map and trail descriptions are on the Adams' Pack Station website. Read First Water trail description for Hermit Falls.

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:30 pm
by Eric Su
Cedar Creek Falls in San Diego is one of the best in California!

a video I took a few months ago:

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:42 pm
by VermillionPearlGirl
We were at Sespe a week ago and it was perfect. (Well, it was hot and I got a sunburn but the water was terrific).

And this week we were down in Devil's Canyon and I jumped in again. The water's not super deep, but if you go in far enough there's some ok holes. But I don't know how kid friendly this trail is (depends on the kids I guess).

Re: Swimming Holes

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:32 am
by Hikin_Jim
Eric Su wrote: Cedar Creek Falls in San Diego is one of the best in California!

a video I took a few months ago:
Nice. About where is that?