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Camping Memorial day weekend

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:00 pm
by Sublatum
Is there any place anyone can think of that i may be able to walk up or reserve for next friday through the weekend? I know this is horrible timing with the long weekend, but was wondering if any camp grounds anyone would recommend? More trails around the better! Thanks!

Re: Camping Memorial day weekend

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:18 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Maybe Guffy or Lupine, assuming they're open. I would think Lupine would be last to open. If you get there early enough on Friday, Buckhorn might be available.

The top of Mt. Pacifico looks OK from a distance. That's a great place to camp if it's open. No one would even be thinking about it since it's been closed so long. Like I say, it looks OK from a distance. I can see trees, and they're not skeletons.

Out that way, Monte Cristo is open I believe. I think Messenger Flat/Lightning Point is still closed.

There's always Chilao. It's big, so...

For places that are reservable/not reservable, check with the FS. Anywhere not reservable, try to get there Thursday after work or as early in the day as possible on Friday morning.


Re: Camping Memorial day weekend

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:57 am
by robnokshus
I'm thinking Buckhorn may still be closed for renovation.

Personally, unless I'm in the mood for unruly crowds, loud music until 2 in the morning, dirty diapers and trashed facilities I avoid camping on Memorial weekend. Now the Strawberry Music Festival is a different story...

Re: Camping Memorial day weekend

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:09 pm
by MtnMan
Buckhorn is closed til probably July.

Messenger Flats is still closed.

Mt. Pacifico is still closed.

Blue Ridge, Guffy and probably Lupine should be open by next weekend, from what I hear. Table Mtn, Lake, and Mtn. Oak are open, and even though those 3 take reservations, they still have many non-reservable sites. (all near Wrightwood)

Chilao has Manzanita open, Little Pines is still closed with burn damage. Horse Flats is is also open, which is off 3N17.

I wouldn't recommend Monte Cristo to anyone, except Maybe PackerGreg.

Re: Camping Memorial day weekend

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:09 pm
by Mike P
MtnMan wrote: Buckhorn is closed til probably July.

Messenger Flats is still closed.

Mt. Pacifico is still closed.

Blue Ridge, Guffy and probably Lupine should be open by next weekend, from what I hear. Table Mtn, Lake, and Mtn. Oak are open, and even though those 3 take reservations, they still have many non-reservable sites. (all near Wrightwood)

Chilao has Manzanita open, Little Pines is still closed with burn damage. Horse Flats is is also open, which is off 3N17.

I wouldn't recommend Monte Cristo to anyone, except Maybe PackerGreg.
I usually don't laugh out loud while working at my computer... but that was hilarious!