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Mt Darwin and Mt. Goddard 3-day hike

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:28 pm
by Eric Su
this has been cancelled

Re: Mt Darwin and Mt. Goddard 3-day hike

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:52 pm
by moppychris
Sounds interesting. This place is going to be a corny suncup scramble up the peaks. June is white. Bring the gear.
So are you by yourself and you need adults to go with? If you cannot find anyone, and if your parents don't mind, you should just go up there and find some people who are doing the same peak or peaks. I would be down, I'll check back on this in the middle of June to see if i can get the time to come down from tahoe.

Re: Mt Darwin and Mt. Goddard 3-day hike

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:51 pm
by KathyW
Sounds like a nice late June trip for a strong climber - snow and slush galore, but the glacier on Darwin will probably be in great shape. I'd certainly need more days than 3 to do a trip like that, but I'm a slow-poke. You might want to check you elevation gain on Day 1 - I would think it's a good 6000' elevation gain to go from North Lake to Mount Darwin via Lamarck Col. Your last day isn't all downhill either. Maybe you're just subtracting starting elevation from ending elevation and not accounting for the ups and downs like going over Lamarck Col.

By the way, you have to be 18 to be a member of the Meetup groups. Those are the rules Meetup sets, not the rules the group organizer sets. If you read the agreement when you signed up for Meetup you would know that. I doubt that person (it wasn't me or my group) who deleted your trip deserves to be called a bastard for deleting your trip.