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Vivian Creek 4/23/11 in 4 hours

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:09 pm
by Eric Su
did a hike up Vivian creek on Mt. San Gorgonio starting at 8:30 in the morning and reaching the summit at 12:30pm. I thought I wasnt going to make it at first and sprinted up the trail. Then I found myself at halfway camp after less than 50 minutes.

Mt. Baldy seen from about a half mile above halfway camp

the first view I had as I came up the ridge above high creek

the subpeak commonly known as "red hill" still covered in snow

Fun day above the clouds

View of the north side of "dragons head"


Mt. Jepson

Closer view of Mt. Jepson

The ridge I ended up walking up because the trail was covered in snow

Mt. Jepson seen 5 minutes from the summit

The summit at 12:30pm



Mt. Jepson on the way down

The clouds started moving in fast. At 1:30pm visibility was near zero, but I had no trouble finding my way down because I knew the mountain very well and had a sense of direction. I didnt even have to use my GPS.

Last view of the mountains before the clouds closed in

Also, Check out my website (to be finished in about a year)

Re: Vivian Creek 4/23/11 in 4 hours

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:46 pm
by Illusive
Did the snow melt from the fire under your feet?

4 hours up in the snow is blazin!

Re: Vivian Creek 4/23/11 in 4 hours

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:07 am
by Burchey
Isn't this that young guy that was paying someone to go up Gorgonio with him? I thought his name was Eric, and he was all about the photography, and he had great expectations on time.

Re: Vivian Creek 4/23/11 in 4 hours

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:33 am
by Logan
I think you are right that this is the guy from the other forum looking to pay someone to go up with him. I am glad I did not volunteer. I couldnt make it to high creek by 12:30, let alone the summit.