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Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:48 am
by Elwood
Jake was jonesing for some forest and a little snow. After negotiating the ever-so-convenient Big Tujunga, Upper Big Tujunga ACH bypass, he parked at the nearly empty Three Points lot and was on the hoof at 0625. Jake followed the Waterman Trail, descended to the Twin Peaks saddle at the Buckhorn Trail cutoff, crossed the saddle and took a fairly direct route up the snow-covered north side between the twins. The snow was sufficiently consolidated that crampons were perfect. His axe handle was nearly fully consumed by the snow for most of the ascent. The head-swarming insects were truly horrible, mitigated by the sanity-preserving, uncomfortably hot black-net hat. There was snow-melt flowing vigorously everywhere. The Buckhorn trail disappeared under snow, so Jake descended the adjacent gully directly, and could hear the water flowing underfoot, under-snow quite often. He walked up the crest highway and picked up the PCT at Cloudburst Summit. Following the three Pacific Crest Trail highway crossings he was back at the car around 1625. Jake remarked at the general dearth of wildlife (though he noted a modest number of small Mule Deer tracks) and the amazingly pervasive fragrance of the sun-warmed forest.

Strawberry and Josephine catching the morning sun.

The twins, seen from the Waterman trail before descending to the saddle.

Abrupt end to dry trail, time for crampons.

Register just below the block on West's summit.

Looking down into the top of the West Fork, San Gabriel River.

Looking out towards the front range, from Twin Peak's west summit.

Craggy south side of the taller east summit.

Highway 39, Mount Islip, Mount Hawkins, Throop, et al.

Smith Mountain, as seen from Waterman Mountain.

Though difficult to discern in this cropped JPEG, there's clearly a trail or its remnants switching back down this buttress. It appears to connect to a spur from the main Smith trail.

For all you PCT fans. This picture was just asking to be monochromed.

GPS track and elevation plot.

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:19 am
by RichardK
A nice day's exercise: 18 miles with 6898' of vertical gain. Thanks for posting!

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:23 am
by HikeUp
Cool stuff Jake.

I almost headed out to three points on Sunday, but I hadn't finished my taxes yet - doh!

Much snow on the north side of Waterman or Waterman's west ridge?

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:02 am
by HikeUp
Um, not sure but do you have east and west twin backwards?

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:20 am
by lilbitmo
Jake (and Elwood),

Zach and I were talking about you on the way back from the Taco birthday party - as we drove by the Lytle Creek area I said wonder what Elwood is doing? He's been kind of quiet lately - you're ears must have been burning :shock: :D

Good to see you were back out, Great TR, I miss doing sections of the PCT and I'm glad someone posts TR of them, thanks.

The north side of the San Gab's make for perfect spring hiking :D

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:25 am
by Elwood
Why yes indeed Mr. HikeUp I have once again swapped east for west...Editing accordingly.

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:01 pm
by AW~
Go Jake! That was a huge route again.

Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:02 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Nice trip, Jake.

Thanks for the photo of Smith Mtn. I was over on Smith last weekend. The photo you posted make is look more like the named summit really is higher than the summit to the SW. Interesting about that trail on the "buttress." I wonder if it's just a switchback on the main trail down into to Bear Creek?

Cool stuff. I gots to gets out there soon.


Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:15 pm
by Elwood
I guess that is the normal Bear Creek trail up to the Smith saddle. I was last on that trail 2008/05/31 and have since forgotten those switchbacks. I remember following the creek bed a ways past the primitive trail camp and getting myself disoriented. Thanks for refreshing the memory.


Re: Three Points - West Twin- Waterman

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:45 pm
by Mike P
Niiiiiiiice! Thanks for the pics! Love that trail. Thank Jake for me ;)