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Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:49 am
by Mike P
Much has been written about the trail up to Islip and Windy Gap. I thought I'd throw in a few photos about current conditions. We need to give a big shout out to the SG Trailbuilders. They were clearing the Windy Gap Trail between the two crossings of the S. Mt. Hawkins Rd. Basically the trail is completely clear of deadfall and logs between the trailhead and the second crossing of the S. Mt Hawkins Rd.:

Here are the guys working on the trees:

On our return trip - here is their handiwork:

From the second road crossing, the trail is quite nice but there are quite a few downed trees and rockfall. The wood retaining walls did a great job of mitigating trail damage.

FWIW... snow pictures at Windy Gap. What a difference a week makes...

Total trip time for Crystal Lake to Windy Gap and back was three hours on a hot day. (Time includes chat breaks with trailbuilders, hikers and 10 minute snack break at the gap.) We didn't have near the amount of bugs as described on Smith Mtn - just a few small swarms in moist areas within the first mile or two.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Huge thanks to the San Gabriel Mountain Trailbuilders for their hard work and dedication!

Re: Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:08 am
by everyday
Great pics and update on trail. thanx :D -and thanx a lot for posting your time, a lot of people don't which frustrates me. I like knowing other peoples times.( I think it's the AutoX competitor part of me.... if i don't know everyone else's times, how can i possibly know if im winning, haha 8) )

Re: Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:36 am
by HikeUp
Nice pictures Mike, thanks for posting them. What did you do with all the snow???

That trail was well built, which makes it a tad bit easier to maintain. A HUGE thanks to all those doing the hard work!!!

Re: Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:45 am
by RichardK
I've seen the SG Trailbuiders at work in Icehouse Canyon in the past. They don't get enough thanks for what they do. So, I will say it here - Thank You!!

Re: Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:11 pm
by mcphersonm80
Great pics and report. Can't believe how much less snow there is, I was just up there a week ago.

And while it was admittedly pretty fun climbing over those trees, it's not safe for everyone who wants to head up, so mad kudos to the SGMTB for what they're doing up there.

Re: Crystal Lake to Windy Gap: 16 April 2011 & Thanks SGMTB!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:29 pm
by Mike P
HikeUp wrote: Nice pictures Mike, thanks for posting them. What did you do with all the snow???

That trail was well built, which makes it a tad bit easier to maintain. A HUGE thanks to all those doing the hard work!!!
Thanks, Hikeup, for the map! It really helped with our late start to have things figured out beforehand.

As for the snow, I took a little propane tent heater because of the ice-cold conditions up there, turned the darned thing on, and WOOSH! all the snow melted. (Now if you believe that... I have a bridge to sell you...)