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Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:46 pm
by calicokat
Norma and I have been wanting to camp out at Sentinel Dome off Glacier Point Road for some time now. We were all ready to go a couple of weeks ago, but were weathered out by our increasingly strange weather this winter/spring. We sorta had a weather window this past weekend, snow and wind for Saturday and clear Sunday, good enough :o

The whole idea behind this trip was to see the spectacular Yosemite sunset and sunrise from atop Sentinel Dome where we wanted to camp, right on top. Well, the weather was not allowing that to happen, when we got to the dome, white out and wind welcomed us, so we camped at the base of the dome in the protective trees.

It was 6:30 Saturday afternoon/evening and we couldn't see more than twenty feet from our camp, started to think we wouldn't be seeing anything sunset like. We had our steak, rice and asparagus dinner and waited. Around 7:15 we could see a little bit of sky above the dome, we grabbed our camera's and snowshoes and headed up to the top to see..........





We got what we came for, what a sight. Clearing/Approaching Storm, a photographers dream. It was a bit blustery up there.....


After the show, we made our way back to camp and ate ( I ate 10) homemade cookies that Norma had brought and settled in for the night. As soon as we got into the tent, it started to snow/sleet, perfect timing.

The next morning was clear, not nearly as spectacular as the sunset, but beautiful.....




It was a bit of a push at 20 miles, but worth it. Thanks Norma for accompanying me on another adventure :D

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:52 pm
by TracieB
Beautiful pics, Jim. I'm glad you guys made it up there before the change of the season.

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:40 pm
by norma r
:D Awesome pix Jim! By far it was the most spectacular sunset i have EVER seen in my life! In no small part to being in one of the most beautiful places in the world then magnified by the color and light that came through that clearing storm. Breathtaking! :D It was indeed a great weekend and a pleasure to say Hello to Half Dome, El Cap and all its neighbors. I always feel like a kid in a candy store in Yosemite.

btw... i've been eating the rest of the batch of cookies all week. :? taste so good, but oink, oink oink! And if i don't find my misplaced memory card with my pix soon, i will need a hike of epic proportion to relieve the angst and the chocolate chip weight i've gained.

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:14 pm
by lilbitmo
Very Nice Jim and Norma - the shots are breath taking.

Norma, you are required to bring those cookies on the next Baldy group outing to see how they compate with So. Bay Mark cookies and "lik2hik" Cinnamon rolls- could have some serious competition going on this board :shock:

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:02 pm
by glamisking
wow that is epic! thanks for sharing. so was it 20 miles in or 20 round trip?

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:09 pm
by MarkI
Absolutely beautiful pictures, it must have been awesome to experience! I haven't been to the Valley in a couple of years and seeing these pics reminds me of all that I've missed, and how badly I need to get back up there. Great TR!
Norma, that's quite a pack you have there, been working out lately?

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:43 pm
by norma r
Glamis: 20 miles round trip. It was 9 miles to the Sentinel Dome TH via the groomed Glacier Point Road and 1 mile of extremely heavy wet & deep snow to break. The heat that is wrecking havoc on our snow down here is creating spring conditions up there. Jim was doubting my choice that camping at Sentinel Dome would make a great overnight snow camp in that final mile but the sunset that evening redeemed his faith in me.

Lilbitmo: I stopped making those cookies when i stopped running years ago since i recognize my lack of will-power with them. I'd be happy to participate in an alpine bake-off since i am confident in my recipe, but please make sure i don't have any extras hiding at home. I can't be trusted! :roll:

MarkI: Hangar 18, baby!

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:25 pm
by hvydrt
Amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:47 pm
by HikeUp

oink oink oink :lol:

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:41 am
by Dave G
Beautiful photos, you guys! And good eats, too! :D

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:47 am
by Hikin_Jim
VERY nice stuff!!!


Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:48 am
by obie
Very cool. much did that pack weigh?

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:17 pm
by lesper4
Amazing pictures, its hard to desribe how absoutely beatufil those are. Every time I get to Yosemite or see something from there it seems there is another site that I have never seen before. Thanks for sharing.

BTW what Down jacket did your bring.

Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:36 pm
by So.BayMark
Jim and Norma, awsome pictures, what a way to spend the weekend..

Thanks for sharing..


Re: Sentinel Dome Snow Camp. Yosemite National Park

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:35 pm
by calicokat
Thank you al for all the comments, much appreciated.

Our packs weighed 31 & 36 pounds respectively. And I was wearing a Patagonia Down Jacket w/ Hood.