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20090201 The Dawn Mine

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:16 pm
by davantalus
Ahhh snow trip reports. I'd really rather not see another one for a while. So allow me to entertain you with a location that's currently "off-limits". Some buddies and I explored the Dawn Mine two years back. Here are picture of us as fledgeling adventurers.

Anyone's evil twin brother been up to Millard Canyon since the fire?

Here we are, happy to have arrived after the extremely strenuous 3 or so mile hike up the canyon. I'm not sure we noticed any poison oak at all. I guess it was hiding that day. We got lost a few times too.

My buddies tip toeing across the logs in the entrance. It's like the lava game... but more serious.

I was worried about falling in... you could seriously die in there... then I remembered that I'm an excellent swimmer.

Anyone ventured up this? Any clue where it ends up?

Looking at something. Probably a golden nugget. They found lots of potential ore.

Guess the lava game is over.

Finally reaching the end. Someone started a game of "echo" and I was worried the mine would collapse.

An excellent picture that I took on timer. I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out. This is at the upper entrance. I'm the one in shorts.

Tasty or deadly? Tasty or deadly?

Pleurotus ostreatus

Re: 20090201 The Dawn Mine

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:34 pm
by Taco
Tasty AND deadly! 8)

Re: 20090201 The Dawn Mine

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:35 am
by Johnny Bronson
O_O, fun and tasty;)

Re: 20090201 The Dawn Mine

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:49 pm
by cougarmagic
I love it! I had gone snow blind from all the recent TRs. I much prefer a dark shady canyon, and a dark shady mine. Why does everyone have to play "echo" in there? It creeps me out too! haha

There is a video on YouTube of some guys going down there last fall, I think. It looked like the canyon bottom was spared, hillsides charred. I honestly don't personally know anyone who has been there (post fire).

Nice pics - in a challenging place to get them!

Oh - I do personally know two people who practically lived on oyster mushrooms this winter. They are delicious! (esp when fried in bacon grease)