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Schabarum park & Powder Canyon 03-14-11

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:59 pm
by Illusive
I've done various sections of these hikes in the past, some I trail ran and some I hiked. I decided today to combine them all into one long (10.7 miles) trip. I ended up averaging 2.7mph and spent 3 hours 48 minutes hiking. Not too shabby for stopping to take photo's and two breaks to eat a cliff bar and fibre one bar.

I was rewarded with some beautiful countryside lush with green vegetation and blooming wild flowers.


I'd highly recommend a trip through here if you haven't seen this area before. I'm kind of partial to it because its so close to home.

The pics can be found via everytrail link here:

Re: Schabarum park & Powder Canyon 03-14-11

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:43 pm
by Taco
Hey, cool, that's right in our neighborhood! I ride around there.