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First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:32 am
by mcphersonm80
Yesterday was my fifth summit of Baldy overall, first in the snow. I always figured that winter was off-limits and only reserved for expert mountaineers, but then I saw some of the trip reports on this site back in November/December and decided I absolutely had to summit Baldy in the snow.

Using Baden-Powell and a New Years Eve hike up to the Hut as snow training, I decided to give it a go, as it seems like the best (some may say worst) of winter is behind us.

Conditions could not have been more perfect. My friend and I hit the trail at Manker Flats right around 7:45am and flew straight up to the Hut in no time (I did stop and pick up an Eispiraten sticker from the register box :) ). Scattered little patches of snow but nothing significant until maybe a quarter mile or so before the Hut. MUCH different than our New Years trek where we were knee deep in it from the start.

The first real patch on the trail

Eager to get going, we stopped only briefly outside the Hut to refuel. No need for spikes yet.

View of the Bowl from the Ski Hut

Maybe 200 yards or so uptrail, the dirt and rocks seemed to be out of the picture so we strapped on our spikes and searched for the best route up. The original plan was to stick with the regular summer route up, this being our first time, but the conditions were WAAAY too perfect and the Bowl far too inviting for us to not give it a shot.

The east bowl was awfully crowded with people heading up, so we sought out the less traveled way up the West Bowl to the ridge. Longer, but we were in no rush.

Getting crowded...

Not so crowded...

So we traversed what is usually a massive boulder field to the west, making sure to steer clear of the avalanche-risky areas and found a series of lightly used paths heading up to the ridge. Ran into a friendly group practicing self-arrest (from this board, maybe?) and then commited to the bowl route.

You never know unless you try...

Steep, but manageable and incredibly fun. Snow was hard enough to kick in decent footholds but not icy.

Once we reached the ridge, it was just a matter of hugging the spires to the west and reaching the summit area. In some parts, the snow got pretty deep and was surprisingly powdery, and rather than meander down around the steeper parts of the ridge (as the summer route does), we took a no-nonsense, straight approach. It was tough, grueling at times, but the scenery, as always, more than made up for it.


(Side Note: Does anyone know the name of the ridge above? I don't think it's Bighorn Ridge, but it's the one across Good(e) Canyon that the Bear Canyon Trail takes down to the village... I've checked and it doesn't seem to be labelled on my map)

Baldy is far from the toughest hike I've done, but this time due to several factors (trudging through deep snow, ascending the bowl, then a steeper-than-usual approach, etc), the summit push was hard. Like, reeeaaally hard. I would go about 10 feet and then stop, not due to shortness of breath or anything but I just completely lacked the energy to take another step. I hadn't forseen this, but it made reaching the summit that much more rewarding.

A very, very barren Baldy Summit

Arrogant Bastards

Baden-Powell and Friends

Getting down was easy: we glissaded most of the way down to the hut. 8)

All-in-all, this ranks up there in my list of favorite climbs. Baldy more than any other mountain always seems to have something up its sleeve that rewards you for repeated climbs.

See the rest of the shots here: ... 7304c35a26

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:49 am
by lilbitmo
Great TR and shots - the weather and snow are prime for a nice climb - glad Mitch's stickers are getting passed around - thanks for sharing the report :D

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:04 pm
by Burchey
Nicely done, I love that tree picture.

Question: where do you find the public link on the facebook albums thing? My friends always argue with me that they can't send me a link ( I don't want to get on Facebook.)

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:12 pm
by mcphersonm80
They can click on the album (not the individual photos) and then at the very bottom of the page it has a unique public link:
Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: ... 7304c35a26

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:27 pm
by mcphersonm80
Forgot to include my video:

Panorama and Glissading Down

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:45 pm
by Taco
Very good. Also, that's one of the best beers out there. Double Bastard is quite good as well.

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:55 pm
by mcphersonm80
Taco wrote: Very good. Also, that's one of the best beers out there. Double Bastard is quite good as well.

Double Bastard is indeed excellent. Oaked AB is the best, though, and if you can find it, Lukcy Basartd is a wonderful blend of all 3. Something about these beers tastes better at elevation. :D

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:56 pm
by Taco
Ain't that the truth!

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:26 pm
by TracieB
Nice pix and TR. I always enjoy our beloved Baldy!

Re: First Winter Summit of Baldy - 3/13/2011

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:48 pm
by simonov
mcphersonm80 wrote: I always figured that winter was off-limits and only reserved for expert mountaineers, but then I saw some of the trip reports on this site back in November/December and decided I absolutely had to summit Baldy in the snow.
Yeah, that's how I got started too.