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1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:42 pm
by Illusive
Kind of late notice, but the g/f and I are looking to find a place for an overnighter or 2 day trip from 03/11/11 - 03/12/11.

The reason I ask is we don't yet have the neccessary gear for snow camping / hiking, and the mountains are flooded with snow.

We've already camped along the west fork @ glenn campgrounds, and out of all 3 camps out of chantry flats, also did some overnighters on top of cucamonga and ontario peaks before the snowfall, also camped out of cedar glenn in icehouse canyon prior to the snow fall.

Any thoughts / suggestions?

Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:58 pm
by simonov
Pt Mugu State Park

Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:29 pm
by Hikin_Jim
There's Mt. Lowe Trail Camp that can be reached from the Sam Merrill trailhead at the top of Lake Ave in Altadena. The Forest Service's closure order is vague, but technically Mt. Lowe Trail Camp might be closed. There were beaucoup people hiking through there when I was there a few weeks ago. There's water in the creek if you follow the east branch up a ways. There might be some patchy snow still on the ground, but nothing a ground sheet and a Thermarest couldn't handle.

It's not an official trail camp, but you can also camp on top of Echo Mountain. There's no water on top of Echo, but there is water up the Castle Canyon Trail a ways. Look at a map; it should be obvious where the water is.

I only know of two trail camps out of Chantry Flat, Hoegees and Spruce Grove, so you're one up on me there.

Henninger Flats (two trail camps, upper and lower) and Idlehour Trail Camp can both be reached via the Mount Wilson Toll Road.

There are various places that one could camp along the East Fork of the San Gabriel River. Just give the nutty prospectors a wide berth.

Stone House Crossing Trail Camp in the Middle Fork of Lytle Creek is at about 4400'. I would think there would some snow, but I don't think it would be "snow camping" per se.

The Santa Monica Mountains are wide open this time of year.

There's always Joshua Tree N.P. and the Mojave National Preserve although I personally have only car camped there.


Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:36 pm
by Illusive
Thanks guys,

Jim thanks for the huge selection :D.

The third I was referring to was Devore. While not techically in chantry flats, but we've accessed it from there.

Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:12 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Illusive wrote: The third I was referring to was Devore. While not techically in chantry flats, but we've accessed it from there.
Ah, yes. I was wondering if you meant something over on the West Fork. Dang shame with the fire. Devore and West Fork Trail Camps were both nice. Valley Forge was OK too. Pretty much burnt now. As are Sturdevant and Oakwilde. Not sure about Gould Mesa. Haven't heard.

Tom Lucas (old and new) Trail Camp is pretty much toast I understand. :( Probably all the stuff around Gleason and Pacifico too. Sigh.


Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:45 pm
by shreddy
Hikin_Jim wrote:
Illusive wrote: Not sure about Gould Mesa. Haven't heard. HJ
Gould Mesa is closed

Re: 1 -2 day 03/11/11

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:21 pm
by Hikin_Jim
shreddy wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote: Not sure about Gould Mesa. Haven't heard. HJ
Gould Mesa is closed
Yeah, but did it burn? Or, perhaps I should say, how bad did it burn?