This falls has a really nice pool:
Itsa purty dern good swimin' hole if ya goes in da summah time. I did it as an out and back instead of a loop since I didn't have a shuttle available. It's a work out. Plan on a full day and getting your feet wet. Getting to the base of the falls is class 3, high class 3. It's pretty much vertical, and the rock is crappy. TEST YOUR HAND HOLDS.
For scenic beauty, Lewis Falls on Soldier Creek is a favorite, BUT that area is off limits right now.
Another treasure is Monrovia Canyon Falls in (of all places) Monrovia. Pretty easy hike, but it's a nice falls. You can get info on the City of Monrovia website.
Hermit Falls, just downstream from Sturdevant Falls has 2 or 3 falls (depending on how you count them; I say 3), the lowest of which is pretty impressive. Good swimming holes at the bottom of the 2nd and 3rd falls. Getting to the base of the 3rd falls is a bit of a trick. It's class 4 I think. Definitely not class 3. If you stay high and go up onto of a large rock outcrop that overlooks the falls, you can then go to the side of the rock opposite the falls. From there you should be able to see a small gully. It's a short, easy class 3 scramble (class 2?) to the bottom of the gully. Proceed down the gully. Very shortly after the drop in point, you'll come to a slightly overhung drop off. I'd say it's class 4 here for the actual drop off, and then it eases off a bit but still tricky thereafter. There was a rope tied to a tree when last I was there. With the rope it's a "lead pipe cinch" to get down if you've had any rock experience at all. If you're not into climbing, you might bring 50' (40'?) of rope or webbing just in case that rope is gone.
Millard Falls off of Chaney Trail Drive in Monrovia is nice, albeit short. You can take a hike up the canyon to the old gold mine afterwards.
My personal favorite is Cooper Canyon Falls which is near Buckhorn, but you might get some snow on that hike.
Check out this page for more falls info:
Trail Canyon is nice
Sturdevant is nice
I've never been that impressed with San Antonio Falls, although it should be running well now.
If you just go to the first falls, Eaton Canyon falls is literally a walk in the park
Switzer Falls is a classic if you've never done it. A very nice hike, but frequently the parking is full full full. The best swimming hole is
downstream of where the trail meets the creek after you climb around the falls. It has a natural water slide that is fun. The pool at the base of the falls is nice, but it's more of a wading pool than a swimming hole, and there's rockfall (sometimes peoplefall
) danger.