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late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:55 am
by AW~
A survey was done of the Big Tujunga river.
The area was in various phases of regrowth ranging from next to zero to overgrown. The threat of invasive species of plants seemed moot since the invasive species are already there in a major way. The trail , supposedly trucks are supposed to be able to travel, was now a use trail, with major streches of easy travel. As for rockfall danger, that was present, and some landslides and nice sized boulders remind the traveller of it. Overall, there didnt seem to be a reason to keep the area closed.

'Classic' canyon remains incinerated, making for a prettier canyon

Middle 'Classic' canyon comes to an end. The rock used to be pinkish /white granite with a lot of brush. Granted, now there is some fresh graffiti.

The BigTujunga river. All the plant life here was erased. Used to be a pick the path among rocks in the water and avoid heavy brush. A tremendous amount of soil here making the river move very fast, but stay very shallow.

Ferns making a comeback along canyon walls

A formerly inhospitable canyon/drainage seeps burnt soil

Same drainage

Saddle view towards MtGleason...used to be dense green brush

View upstream from a side drainage used to access a creek

decomissioned trail camp is overgrown

Granted, plenty of waterfalls in the area

Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:42 am
by Hikin_Jim
What road was that? The one down towards Fall Creek Camp I assume, yes?


Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:22 pm
by cougarmagic
Thanks AW.

I agree - there is rockfall danger now, and there was rockfall danger before too. Not sure there is a big difference.

Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:17 pm
by AW~
Hikin_Jim wrote: What road was that? The one down towards Fall Creek Camp I assume, yes?

Yup, it used to be a road at least.

Cougarmagic- its hard to say if theres any special danger. It had been very rainy before and that day was cold. However, the rock is certainly more fractured than ever on the north slopes over there.

Its not going to change, so they should open it up already. If this is going to be like Crystal Lake, the forest service is just going to be further isolated from the local public.

Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:44 pm
by HikeUp
Cool stuff. Looks like there was a fire or something? :wink:

Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:32 pm
by shreddy
Appreciate the trip report. Thanks!

Re: late report of Big Tujunga

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:51 pm
by Taco
Good post AW, thanks!