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West Fork San Gabriel River(part2)&IslipCanyon exit 1/17

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:31 am
by AW~
Kind of nervous since I had been foiled many times in seeing an obscure canyon far along the trail(paved road)....and alas I was foiled again, but this time by a waterfall blocking upstream progress. There was a fixed rope tied between 2 bushes here, but it was in poor condition..and the bottom knot was one overhand :shock: with the top anchor a sickly brush tree(could have been killed by tieing the rope tight around it).

Then all the way back, checking out the waterfalls. Still a lot of water around.

Had a little bit of time so ran up Islip canyon...a waterfall(scramble-able) and return.

Dawn hits the south Little Mermaid ridge

water flow still excellent

stopped cold by waterfall

canyon travel

canyon travel

little explore to very narrow and crumbly ridge to get some views...West Fork down below

Towards Glenn canyon/lower Monrovia Peak

Pk 4170 along West Twin ridge

Rock perched 100ft off of West Fork river

Islip canyon-about 20 yards of complete pink granite canyon

Islip cyn Falls



Re: West Fork San Gabriel River(part2)&IslipCanyon exit 1/17

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:07 am
by Ze Hiker
where's islip canyon?

Re: West Fork San Gabriel River(part2)&IslipCanyon exit 1/17

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:45 am
by AW~
wrote: where's islip canyon?
west side of Hwy39,,-117.86601&z=15

although it has nothing to do with was burned in the Morris fire, so now its travelable with somewhat ease...a lot of rock shards/debris in the canyon now...

Its easy to miss along the road..and is regrowing faaasst.

Re: West Fork San Gabriel River(part2)&IslipCanyon exit 1/17

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:08 pm
by AW~

Also some videos of a place in between visits to the SG river :wink:

Re: West Fork San Gabriel River(part2)&IslipCanyon exit 1/17

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:11 pm
by Taco
I went up Islip Cyn yesterday. Know if anyone has descended that one yet?