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YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:33 pm
by norma r
When my outdoor thermometer read 59 degrees at 5 am this morning i knew i should have hopped back in bed, but nooooo... i got ready and headed up to Manker Flat with Ryan B in tow. all the other sane folks that said maybe to heading up Baldy today were nestled warmly in bed as Ryan and I put on all the rain gear we had and boldly headed up Falls Road. The torrent of water and mud coming down :shock: should have dissuaded us but noooo... we kept heading up still at that point with a smile on our faces. Surely we would eventually reach snowline. Not to be!

If you are thinking about being the first to make tracks on Baldy they will most certainly be tracks in mud for a split second before being washed away by the volume of water coming down the mountain. The entire trail was a non-stop rushing creek with Falls Road awash in mud and gravel. A narrow gulley before the creek crossing below the ski hut was a raging cascade that you heard as you rounded the corner. We were able to cross it but had it been raining any heavier it could become impassible. Within 30 mins of our [mis]adventure our feet were sloshing in our Gortex boots... why is it that if water gets in your boots it won't go out??? and before our 2 hr round-trip from car to ski hut and back was over were were both literally soaked to our skin. I don't care how much Gortex or Event you are wearing when rain is whipped by 50 mph winds and hitting you from every angle you get wet! In fact, make that soaked! A quick stop at the ski hut to share the covered porch with two other fools brought our body temp down and found us hiking back with numb wet hands. We exchanged a few words with a hiker who spent the night at the bottom of the bowl and he said it rained all night. :evil:

Oh, and then the fun part... trying to rip off wet outer clothes and get in the car as quick as possible. It didn't matter, we were just a bit less wet but so thankful to be out of the wind and rain and making our way back down Mount Baldy Road with the heater roaring. The dip in the road just south of Manker was a 6”+ deep current of mud and water with boulders creating currents. There was a plow there trying to push it off the road while we passed. A low clearance vehicle would have a hard time crossing with the boulders strewn about.

The pineapple express has pretty much washed away any remaining snow and until the temps drop there won't be a bit of the white stuff falling. I have a feeling that the cool rime ice trees Shin, Jeff and Patrick saw yesterday are all gone too. It certainly didn't feel much like Christmas on Baldy today, more like a Himalayan monsoon. :cry: Ho, ho, ho!...

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:13 pm
by Dave G
norma r wrote: When my outdoor thermometer read 59 degrees at 5 am this morning i knew i should have hopped back in bed, but nooooo... i got ready and headed up to Manker Flat
That's just so Norma! :P
Hey, where's the pix--did ya forget yer underwater camera? :wink:

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:19 pm
by rbracci
Actually Norma, I bet we had more fun today than all those couch potatoes... And at least we weren't the only other people out there. Oh well, let's hope that it cools down soon so that some snow can stick.

The photos can be seen here: ... mpt-121910

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:03 pm
by norma r
DG, i didn't want my camera to drown, so i kept it stowed below hatch.

btw... it was raining so hard you couldn't have lit a cig today. hehehe...

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:18 pm
by HikeUp

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:58 pm
by cougarmagic
That's dedication! Looks like you could have used a snorkel with those goggles! :lol:

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:49 pm
by turtle
Thanks for the trip report Norma!

I'm glad at least one SGMDF'er was out there making a respectable showing on Baldy despite the weather! :D

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:35 am
by Taco
None of this makes you an idiot, just motivated. 8)

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:29 am
by EnFuego
Norma - nice to see your dedication. I was up there also on Sunday. My thoughts were exactly the same as yours. I figured with the rain that had come on Friday or Saturday, the slight drop in temps, it was possible there would be snow and ice to play in. Boy, were we wrong.

I'll post some pics soon of a small mud slide I was able to capture on video.

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:36 am
by snmtbaldy
Hi Norma and Ryan,
Good job!!!!
That's the spirit. We have to put through all the gears we have for real test.
Now, we have to look for a heavy rain rubber boots for our hobby.

My US Army poncho worked out fine for moderate rain on Saturday. I use this for tent,sleeping bag cover,wind breaker,and shelter in summer time.

We can test a snowshoes this weekend.


Condition on Mt. Baldy summit area on 12/18/2010

Patrick is very happy.

Jeff is climbing a ice wall with one ice axe.

Condition above 9000 feet up.

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:49 am
by Dave G
snmtbaldy wrote:
Jeff is climbing a ice wall with one ice axe.
Now that's the coolest thing I've seen today (of course, it's still early :wink: )!

Good job Shin, Jeff & Patrick. What a difference a day makes--no SCUBA gear required for you guys! :D

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:33 am
by mve
Norma -- that's amazing. :shock: I was so sure the snow was piling up top but not so ...

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:08 am
by jimbozoom
My heart is broken. I was sure we'd have a pile of snow to play in up in the bowl, but I guess someone should organize a mud run instead. :(

Re: YES, I'm an idiot! - Baldy 12/19/10

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:01 pm
by norma r
:D thanks all! when you're passionate about something it's easy to be hopeful. obviously, i hoped it might be snowing by the time we got to the hut. i've hiked in rain before but never in such a heavy constant downpour. when i felt my feet sloshing in my boots i knew i was toast since if it became colder my feet would freeze. even so, at the hut it was still tough to say head down. :( first time i have only made it that far. but to see it raining so hard at the hut was kinda sad. and the wind... it was intense! of note, i had a pair of Patagonia guide pants on with my precip pants over them. at the TH i put on my boots while inside my car and my OR Croc gaiters over both pants. by the time we got to the register i felt that my shin's were wet. didn't make sense but i was already wet to the skin. Ryan switched to a pair of eVent gloves just before we left Falls Road for the trail and i was so jealous as my mittens were already soaked. his eVent gloves couldn't hold-up to the rain either. it was like being hit with a fire hose. oh well.

i can now say i have seen Baldy in every season.... Perfect winter conditions as it snows, on a bluebird day just after a heavy snow, in 60 mph winds with snow battering us on the summit, glorious spring days that makes 70 spf & post-holing mandatory, early summer days when the summit is delighful and the ski hut trail is a feast of wildflowers, the chill of autumn temps with the promise of what's next and now the subtropical monsoon season. we did have fun despite the discomfort of being so wet and we knew we burned a few calories.

those photos are awesome! :D what a difference a day makes. wish i could have seen those trees!

according to the weather the temps are supposed to drop this week. i will be away visiting family, so Cheers! to all who get out to enjoy a Chirstmas Wonderland on Baldy! :D