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San Antonio Creek and Harwood ridge roaming 12/8/10

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:19 am
by AW~
Arrived at 10:15 am to Falls Road, past the command post setup downhill of the visitor center. First time to the Baldy area, visibilty excellent. Went to the top of the waterfalls, although taking time to do a short scramble on the 1st waterfall. Area had been searched, including a seasonal tributary creek and ridge above the cascades. Took the next ridge at about 7200ft, with no signs of travel, except for some animal. Arrived at the trail and continued up the next ridge west, which I thought was Register Ridge, but quickly discovered I was just roaming around. There was some old pipe at a certain elevation above the ski hut trail, indicating perhaps an old trail or road. Travelled up and west as allowed, ending up 2 ridges west from the start.

Windy as the top got closer, and with time running out, headed east to Register Ridge. Headed back down the ridge, mostly with the pleasant company of Tracie B. Friends of the missing hiker offered tea & coffee, with a SAR vehicle returning down the hill. Dusk was beginning to set in, and the temptation of another hike at night....but no indication whatsoever dayhike mileage could accomplish anything at that point.

Well searched already....
Something's tracks
Not far below the ski hut trail
main ridge, steep with dropoff
^ and transition to one ridge west
Ski hut
^ and transition to one ridge west
Contouring back to Register ridge

Re: San Antonio Creek and Harwood ridge roaming 12/8/10

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:46 am
by norma r
The old stone foundations you found below the ski hut trail belong to the Gold Ridge Mine. A gold mine that operated from 1897 to 1907.