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20101124 Ontario NF

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:37 pm
by Taco
Just a short trip to see how conditions were. I hiked up Icehouse CYN, then went up Kimchi Ridge on the north face of Ontario.

Between 1-3 inches of powder, with 1-2 inches of water ice over some features. Started snowing lightly while I was downclimbing, then more as I hiked out.

Sheep Canyon, Kimchi Ridge goes up the right side.

Approach talus

Inside Sheep Cyn

Climbing up Kimchi Ridge, with some fun spots that had good, albeit thin ice on class 4-5 rock.

Going home

This looked a lot easier from above. Ended up being nice solid granite slab climbing, covered in powder and thin, useless ice.

Further down, out of the crappy spot, it starts to snow.

Snowing more now


Temps were in the 20's in Sheep Canyon, low 30's elsewhere.

Looking forward to winter! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Re: 20101124 Ontario NF

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:09 pm
by lilbitmo
Great Pictures Taco, it's crazy that while you were in that "pea soup" we were in sunshine just 1,000 feet higher and 6 miles west - I'd like to hit that canyon when there's slightly more snow in there - thanks for sharing that report. :D

Re: 20101124 Ontario NF

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:47 pm
by Taco
Thanks Patrick!

Re: 20101124 Ontario NF

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:47 pm
by norma r
nICE! thanks for sharing. Gobble, gobble!