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San Bernardino Peak via Limber Pine Bench - 25-26 Sep 2010

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:51 am
by simonov
I escorted a few folks up to 10,649 foot San Bernardino Peak, after first spending a night at my favorite trail camp, Limber Pine Bench.

At the Wilderness sign by simonov, on Flickr

Limber Pine Bench is one of the best-kept secrets of the San Gorgonio Wilderness and indeed all of Southern California's mountains. It's a pretty little trail camp perched at the edge of San Bernardino Peak and overlooking the city of San Bernardino and the rest of the Inland Empire.

At Limber Pine Bench trail camp by simonov, on Flickr

Sunset from Limber Pine Bench by simonov, on Flickr

During our entire weekend, we met only about a half dozen other hikers (including Ellen Coleman). Why are this beautiful trail and trail camp so neglected?

On Sunday morning we visited the Washington Monument and San Bernardino Peak, then returned to Limber Pine Bench to retrieve our overnight packs before heading back to the cars.

Heading home by simonov, on Flickr

Most of the people on the hike were fairly new to backpacking, and they were amazed by the strange and majestic scenery. It's fun revealing to folks what the San Gorgonio Wilderness has to offer.

San Bernardino Peak hike by simonov, on Flickr

More pics here.

Re: San Bernardino Peak via Limber Pine Bench - 25-26 Sep 2010

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:21 am
by Hikin_Jim
It's funny to me also that with so much great local stuff, there's comparatively low use.