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3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:21 am
by kristo5747
I could not sleep so I got up at 1:30am. emailed my boss to let him know I was taking the day off. Left a note to my wife that I was going hiking.

What follows is my report. Times are accurate. Some distances are estimated (I left without my Garmin so I think +/- 10%...wherever trail signs were absent).

I drove to Mt Baldy village. Got to Icehouse Canyon parking lot around 2:45am. Temp was (I am guessing) in the low 50's.

A) I made it to Icehouse Saddle by 5:33am ;

hike duration: 2h 30 min ; mileage: 4 mi ;

B) Summited Timber Mt at 6am sharp ;
C) Summited Telegraph peak at 7am sharp ;

That leg of the trip was rough. I counted 11 switchbacks...but it could have been worse. The rising sun made it look like the mountain was bathed in gold. Pretty neat :D

Had bkfast (pb & j sandwich) on top on Telegraph peak.

D) Made it to Thunder mt at 7:46am.
E) Got to Baldy notch at 8:09m.

hike duration: 5h 9 min ; mileage 10 mi ;

F) Followed the fire road down to Manker Flats. Go to Manker at 9:47am.

hike duration: 7h (approx) ; mileage 12 mi ;

G) Made it back to Icehouse canyon parking lot at 10:53am.

hike duration: almost 8 hours ; mileage 14 mi ;

Not a bad way to spend my day...had to take a nap though.


PS: Do you guys have any idea about the length of the fire road from Manker Flats to Baldy notch. It took me almost 2 hours so I am thinking 2 miles..........

Re: 3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:41 am
by Ze Hiker
what a way to cure insomnia :)

I think its ~ 3.5 miles from the notch to Manker.

Re: 3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:48 am
by kristo5747
wrote:what a way to cure insomnia :)
Agreed. Beats tossing and turning. Great way to beat the throngs of people going there during daylight.
wrote:I think its ~ 3.5 miles from the notch to Manker.
Really? My speed was over 1 mile per hour...Wow. Not bad ((patting self on the back)).

Re: 3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:55 pm
by hvydrt
Nice job, I hope your boss doesn't read this forum. :D

Re: 3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:17 pm
by kristo5747
hvydrt wrote: Nice job, I hope your boss doesn't read this forum :D

Thx! 8)

I'd highly recommend it to anyone...just make sure you're not afraid of the dark :P . Got to see nature at its best (owl fly by really close), with tons of stars above your head. Cool temps too.

Sunrise and breakfast on telegraph peak was neat too.

Can't beat that. Again, highly recommended.

Not worried about my boss. He's one the few good bosses left on this planet.

Re: 3 Ts - Friday September 17th

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:51 am
by turtle
kristo5747 wrote: I'd highly recommend it to anyone...just make sure you're not afraid of the dark :P . Got to see nature at its best (owl fly by really close), with tons of stars above your head. Cool temps too.
I couldn't agree more!

A few weeks back I had planned a long hike on a Saturday with forecast highs of 85. Was bedded down in my car at the trailhead on Friday evening, but couldn't sleep as it was still quite warm, even at 10pm. Spent the next hour in and out of poor quality sleep, wondering why I wanted to battle the heat the next day. I was on trail by 11:30pm. :)

Turned out to be a good thing, as the hike (Splinter's Cabin to Little Bear Springs and back on the PCT) was fully exposed to the sun. Wouldn't recommend doing that hike any other way!