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buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:38 am
by harper
I just have to share this harrowing experience i just had -- trying to camp at Buckhorn around labor day is obviously a *very* bad idea:

In the past, I used to love this place, particularly because it used to be peaceful and quiet and serene. But this past weekend the noise level was unbearable -- a caravan of about 10 (!!!) cars coming in at 9:30 pm on Thursday, disgorging about 40 people, who proceeded to build a veritable tent-city while the music was blaring from their cars, children ran around screaming (and adults screamed and laughed and carried on, drinking, no doubt) and bonfires being lit.

At 11:30 pm I went and told them to quiet down, which they didn’t really until about 3:00 am !!! Camp-neighbors told me that around 3:00 or 3:30 am (!!!) a child was running (unattended!) through the campground carrying a large stick on fire, screaming... these fellow campers went and talked to the "responsible" adults about supervising their children, fire-dangers, curfew etc – and I suppose we're all lucky the forest wasn't lit on fire then and there.

More people arrived throughout the night, leaving their car-lights on, setting up camp, in total disregard of their fellow campers -- and it did not really quiet down until 5:00 am. By 7:00 am it started all over again…

On to the facilities: when we arrived on Thursday they were bad (feces on the ground and walls -- how is that even possible?) -- but the next day (Friday) more large groups arrived and by noon someone had defecated on the *back* of the toilet-seat in a LARGE pile in one of the toilets close to the old phone-booth!!! There were no (I repeat NO) bearably clean toilets in the whole camp-ground (there aren't enough as it is.) Feces and flies everywhere. The large group (tent-city) never made their way to the bathrooms, so God only knows where *they* did their business…

I gotta say that I am deeply concerned about these goings-on and what it bodes for what’s left of our forest. I suppose since the forest has been destroyed in the lower elevations, everyone is coming up higher. That being the case, there HAS to be someone on the premises educating the newbies (I asked, most had never been there before) and keeping it all safe and sanitary. Otherwise the higher elevations won't survive long, either.

So why is there no "camp-host" on the premises (even though there is a designated space for one)?

Why is there no-one in charge, no-one monitoring the situation, making sure there are no more than 2 cars and 8 people to a space, enforcing the 10:00 pm curfew, keeping the forest and the rest of us safe from fire and disease?

We paid for 2 nights and left after 1. I cannot even *imagine* what it must be like up there right now (Saturday, with Monday being the holiday.) This was a terribly disappointing trip, and i only hope that this isn't the new normal for non-holiday-weekends as well.

As an aside: the campground will be closed from next Tuesday on for the rest of the season for reconstruction. I hope they're building more toilets (and cleaning the existing ones.)

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:45 am
by hvydrt
On to the facilities: when we arrived on Thursday they were bad (feces on the ground and walls -- how is that even possible?) -- but the next day (Friday) more large groups arrived and by noon someone had defecated on the *back* of the toilet-seat in a LARGE pile in one of the toilets close to the old phone-booth!!! There were no (I repeat NO) bearably clean toilets in the whole camp-ground (there aren't enough as it is.) Feces and flies everywhere. The large group (tent-city) never made their way to the bathrooms, so God only knows where *they* did their business…
Our forest adventure pass $$$ are really going to good use.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:49 am
by Funyan005
Wow. I didnt even know buckhorn got that busy. Everytime I have ever gone I was the only person in the campground. Truly disappointing

On an aside, I went up to Guffy on Thursday night, only one other camper and they were pretty quiet!

On a further aside, anyone know what movie they're filming up there or any info on it? Tons of cars/trailers/props/lights up there on Hwy 2, I saw Santa and a sled haha

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:17 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Wow, that really sux. Buckhorn is my favorite CG in the Angeles. I was through there twice this summer, and it was really peaceful and quiet.

Personally, I'd have called 911 under the conditions you describe.

I guess they just couldn't get anyone to volunteer to be the host. My understanding is that hosts are unpaid volunteers who are allowed to use the "host" spot for the summer.


Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:40 pm
by Taco

I'd say what I want, but people would take is seriously and I'd get in "trouble" over it.

That's fudging insanely stupid.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:02 pm
by Ze Hiker
fuck it. the ANF is incompetent. people from different cultural backgrounds don't treat the forest the way others do, so it ends up as shit. thanks, ANF

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:07 pm
by Taco
LOL, thanks Ze! :lol:

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:24 pm
by HikeUp
wrote:...people from different cultural backgrounds don't treat the forest the way others do...
What culture embraces poo flinging? I understand monkeys do it but...

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:40 pm
by harper
wrote:fuck it. the ANF is incompetent. people from different cultural backgrounds don't treat the forest the way others do, so it ends up as shit. thanks, ANF
this is exactly (and literally) true.


Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:07 pm
by cougarmagic
harper, that's awful. The whole point of camping is to get away from stuff like that. I will never understand why people leave their houses if they just want to re-create the noise and mayhem somewhere else.

Last weekend, our neighbors had a really loud and wild party. I jumped in the car and headed to Chilao for the night. There was no one - and I mean not a single soul - there but me and my dog. It was cool, quiet, and wonderful. I would have had a nervous breakdown if it was like what you experienced.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:17 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Taco, don't you have something "tactical" that can handle "people" (term used loosely) like that? :twisted:


Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:09 pm
by hillbasher
:twisted: Ok, so I will be the stupid one to ask the question,"Did anyone even try contacting the Forest Service"? Seems rather pointless to get on here and bitch about things if an effort was not even made. Just thought I would ask. :evil:

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:22 pm
by Zach
Yeah, read all about it here:

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:11 am
by Taco
Hikin_Jim wrote:Taco, don't you have something "tactical" that can handle "people" (term used loosely) like that? :twisted:

I don't know what you're talking about. I spent the first 20-some years of my life training for peace. ;-)

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:59 am
by outwhere
They're just warming up for the opening ceremonies at Crystal Lake Campground.

I heard Obama is sending the returning troops from Iraq directly to Crystal Lake's Campground to get them ready for the other battlefield.

I think I'd take the odds and stay in Iraq.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:30 pm
by MtnMan
Welcome to camping on a holiday weekend near LA. :wink:

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:05 pm
by blueshammer
So it goes.

"Angeles National Forest draws flood of visitors, trickle of resources"

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:52 pm
by PackerGreg
hvydrt wrote:Our forest adventure pass $$$ are really going to good use.
Hear, hear! When the 10-plus-year "experimental" Adventure Pass program was initiated, the FS made a poor attempt at alliteration that was on the website until recently: "When the bad guys have to pay, they go away"


Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:01 pm
by HikeUp
LMFAO @ "urban burritos".

see comments in the article

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:48 am
by Taco
We went to Burro Cyn shooting range this morning. The mountains were PACKED!!!!!! Nuts.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:08 am
by outwhere
TacoDelRio wrote:We went to Burro Cyn shooting range this morning. The mountains were PACKED!!!!!! Nuts.
I hope your target practice was a can of orange spray paint! Ice House needs you Taco - we will all support you and say it was self defense :D

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:45 pm
by Taco
Are there more orange arrows?!

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:51 pm
by ForestHiker
I know people who say they would like no country to have borders around the world. Free lands.. (This is great.. until THOSE people start doing things YOU don't like...)
outwhere wrote:They're just warming up for the opening ceremonies at Crystal Lake Campground.

I heard Obama is sending the returning troops from Iraq directly to Crystal Lake's Campground to get them ready for the other battlefield.

I think I'd take the odds and stay in Iraq.

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:10 pm
by Ze Hiker
ForestHiker wrote:I know people who say they would like no country to have borders around the world. Free lands.. (This is great.. until THOSE people start doing things YOU don't like...)
outwhere wrote:They're just warming up for the opening ceremonies at Crystal Lake Campground.

I heard Obama is sending the returning troops from Iraq directly to Crystal Lake's Campground to get them ready for the other battlefield.

I think I'd take the odds and stay in Iraq.
sounds like a "free market" to me! I'm sure people who believe in free market in business believe so with labor supply... :wink:

Re: buckhorn camping thursday-friday 9/2-3

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:04 am
by simonov
harper wrote:In the past, I used to love this place, particularly because it used to be peaceful and quiet and serene. But this past weekend the noise level was unbearable -- a caravan of about 10 (!!!) cars coming in at 9:30 pm on Thursday, disgorging about 40 people, who proceeded to build a veritable tent-city while the music was blaring from their cars, children ran around screaming (and adults screamed and laughed and carried on, drinking, no doubt) and bonfires being lit.
You really need to take up backpacking.

During my Labor Day weekend I don't think we saw more than half a dozen people in the three days it took us to get to the summit of Mt San Gorgonio. And even on Labor Day Sunday night, there were only eight people camped on top.

Short of implementing and enforcing a strict reservation system, there isn't much the Forest Service can do about crowding at road-accessible campgrounds.

A friend asked me, rather snarkily, if it was really possible to enjoy true solitude in our "urban" mountain ranges of SoCal. I replied it is indeed possible, you just have to know where the crowds go and avoid them: stay away from anywhere accessible by car; stay off "rock star" routes like the Baldy Ski Hut trail or Icehouse Canyon; drive an extra few minutes to San Gorgonio Wilderness (which is not that much farther away from me than the San Gabriel Mountains); avoid going out on weekends (in fact, even the "rock star" routes are pretty deserted during the week).

In late September I led a group of backpackers up to Limber Pine Bench and San Bernardino Peak in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Now in my humble opinion Limber Pine Bench is one of the most stunning and beautiful trail camps in all of Southern California, and after spending a night there most of my camp compatriots agreed with me. But the entire day of the hike up there we didn't see more than four people, and even at the camp we didn't see anyone else until the following morning when we learned there were two people camped above us.

All this on a fine September weekend.