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Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:26 am
by EManBevHills
While the Aetherians were gathering at Harwood, Shin Nimura was completing his 200th Baldy summit (over just 6 1/2 years)!
A crowd was eagerly awaiting his arrival at the summit, and had already done some heavy lifting in preparation:


For me personally, it was wonderful to hang out with other mountain aficionados, many of whom I hadn't had the opportunity to meet or get to know previously. Thank you, Shin, for letting me "crash" your celebration! And thanks, too, for the post hike Newcastle.

This one's for you:

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:23 am
by Hikin_Jim
200? Dang gum! Good job, Shin, and congratulations!


Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:50 am
by mattmaxon
Congrat's Shin!

I looked for SGMDF alumni as I crossed over the summit (11:05am) with my "chrome dome" didn't see anyone recognized...

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:09 am
by Hikin_Jim
Chrome dome?


Seriously, how do you like the brolly, and is it worth the hassle of having to use one hand on an umbrella the whole freaking time you hike?


Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:23 am
by snmtbaldy
Hi EManBevHills,
It was nice to meet you yesterday. I have been hiking mostly Mt. Baldy for 6 years and one month because it is only 75 minutes form home and I can go home by early afternoon after good work out. I hike other mountains occasionally.

I met many nice people on the trails. Yesterday was very special to me because all people who showed up had helped me with their knowledge and experience when I needed help in the mountains.

Mt. Baldy is a best place to train for other mountains and meet interesting people. I have met 5 Mt. Everest climbers on Mt. Baldy over the years. I met Cindy Abbot two weeks ago who just finished her Mt. Everest climb in May. She had been training on Mt. Baldy before her climb.

Thank you everyone.
PS. I'll put back all rocks to the wind shelter within a few weeks.

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:34 am
by mattmaxon
Hikin_Jim wrote:Seriously, how do you like the brolly, and is it worth the hassle of having to use one hand on an umbrella the whole freaking time you hike?
I use my


Hands free system!

I put the handle in my shirt pocket & behind the chest strap, use an o-ring (-140 or so) cinched around the shaft choker style with a mini-biner clipped into the chest strap

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:23 am
by JayO
Thank you Shin for being such a good ambassador to hiking throughout the years. It is a pleasure to have hiked up Mt. Whitney with you, twice! Keep up the good work. :)

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:45 pm
by Hikin_Jim
mattmaxon wrote:I put the handle in my shirt pocket & behind the chest strap, use an o-ring (-140 or so) cinched around the shaft choker style with a mini-biner clipped into the chest strap
Hmm. And did you like the 'brella overall? Did it seem noticeably cooler? I've thought about something like that for really hot routes like maybe Skyline.


Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:56 pm
by mattmaxon
Hikin_Jim wrote:Hmm. And did you like the 'brella overall? Did it seem noticeably cooler? I've thought about something like that for really hot routes like maybe Skyline.
Without question it is hands down the best! IMO

I also reduces glare and the need for sunscreen

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:44 pm
by Taco
Congrats Shin! Sorry I missed it! :(

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:10 pm
by HikeUp
Cool beans Shin. Hope to run into you on the trail someday! :)

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:40 pm
by norma r
:D Outstanding! Congrats Shin! That's one heck of a lot of walking! Curious, do you take different trails and mix it up or do you mostly do the same route?

Shin, you personally have impressed me twice with your generous spirit; that day last December when the young girl fell on the bowl and by your willingness to contact the Korean Hiking Association regarding trail etiquette. You are not only an amazing hiker, but a gentleman too. :D I hope to share a trail with you again someday.

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:04 pm
by mve
Congratulations Shin!

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:34 pm
by snmtbaldy
Hi Norma,
Thank you.
I hope you get well soon. It will get stronger than before so give them a time,please.

Since I have limited time and skills, the Baldy is a good training ground for me. I tried all possible trails on Mt. Baldy. I mostly use Ski hut trail for safety reason because I usually hike alone. But I hike different route for training purpose depending upon the season and destination. I also hike different ways such as try not to stop till summit,no water till summit,hike under any weather all season if it is safe. I test myself every hike. It may be a boring hike to most of people but I enjoy it.

I wish I could follow Taco and Johnny to learn some new skills.

Thank you Hikin-Jim,Mattmaxon,Hikeup,and MVE. Hope to meet you in person on the trail.


Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:04 pm
by Taco
Wish? Why not "do"? You're more than welcome to work with us.

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:36 pm
by Johnny Bronson
TacoDelRio wrote: You're more than welcome to work with us.
yes sir! :thumbup: Anyone who seeks adventure is more than welcome to join =D

Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:41 am
by James
Eman, how did you get that rock to balance?? Nicest cairn anywhere. And it photographs well. Nice job. Hope it stays around until winter, will be cool to see it in the snow. It was nice meeting you. What a great group. Ellen, very nice to see you again too. Summit parties are the best.

Shin, what can I say that hasn't been said over and over. Great accomplishment. You are capable of a great many things my friend. Always looking forward to next adventure. See you soon.

Norma, sorry about your foot! Get well soon!

"Wish? Why not do?" Well said. Shin, get your harness, let's get to work!


Re: Shin's 200th Baldy Summit

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:04 pm
by EManBevHills
Thanks, James. But I suspect it was blown off it's pedestal in short order, probably before Ellen arrived. I do know that Jim (who passed me) got to see it, though. It was precariously placed to say the least.

I "apprenticed" many, many, years ago with the only sculptor to have subsequently had an installation placed in a national park -- and believe it or not, it's a life sized Florida Puma! :D

It certainly was nice meeting and chatting with you and the other regulars from the WPSMB who were here supporting Shin on his special day.
I look forward to seeing you again soon, somewhere in them thar hills.