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Mt. Baden Powell Plus 3 On Jul3

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:59 am
by vbmatloff
Went up to Mt. Baden Powell from Dawson Saddle on Saturday. No more snow, but weather was nice, warm but not hot, with a slight breeze on the peaks. You could see a marine layer to the south covering the whole lower area - sort of eerie looking. After Baden Powell we headed over to Mt. Burnham, then to Mt. Throop & stopped for lunch under the shade of a big pine, and finally to Mt. Hawkins before heading back the way we came. Check out my photos ... m7FuzZs3sQ
Has anyone gone down the ridge from Hawkins to South Mt. Hawkins recently and how is that?

Re: Mt. Baden Powell Plus 3 On Jul3

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:15 am
by Hikin_Jim
vbmatloff wrote:Went up to Mt. Baden Powell from Dawson Saddle on Saturday. No more snow, but weather was nice, warm but not hot, with a slight breeze on the peaks. You could see a marine layer to the south covering the whole lower area - sort of eerie looking. After Baden Powell we headed over to Mt. Burnham, then to Mt. Throop & stopped for lunch under the shade of a big pine, and finally to Mt. Hawkins before heading back the way we came. Check out my photos ... m7FuzZs3sQ
Has anyone gone down the ridge from Hawkins to South Mt. Hawkins recently and how is that?
I haven't been over that way for a while, but there is an established trail from just east of Mt. Hawkins that goes down to S. Hawkins and connects with the dirt road coming up from Crystal Lake.


Re: Mt. Baden Powell Plus 3 On Jul3

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:29 am
by vbmatloff
Thanks HJ, I did see the road going to Crystal Lake, and the trail that is supposed to go to South Mt. Hawkins on the map. We met up with a ranger on the way back and asked him about the trail to south Mt. Hawkins. He said that it hadn't been maintained at all for a long, long time - years, which was good news - the most fun trail is no trail! Might check this out in the fall.

Re: Mt. Baden Powell Plus 3 On Jul3

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:42 am
by Ze Hiker
Hi V,

Last summer we started down the trail from Windy Gap that meets up with a fire road that heads up to S Hawkins. The trail is indeed in disrepair but it does make it more fun. We went of the trail / fire road a bit more than needed, if you stay on it's not bad at all.

trip report / map

Re: Mt. Baden Powell Plus 3 On Jul3

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:32 pm
by vbmatloff
Ze' Man, Great videos on your trip report link, I especially liked the rattler, was was he at? I took a look at the map, too, that route looks like a pretty good one that saves some mileage as opposed to coming from Dawson Saddle. I'm all for the cross country routes, I like off trail.
I saw you had a video going up to and back from Iron Mountain. We're planning to do Iron Mtn. to Mt. Baldy in a couple of weeks, i hope this cooler weather holds out until then.