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Land of many uses - ARRL Field Day

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:13 pm
by Elwood
As any SGMDF amateur radio operators should know; the American Radio Relay League conducted its annual field day event this weekend. Mrs. Elwood and I drove up to Guffy campground on Friday night and camped out. We were lucky to grab the last site ~2145 PDT. Saturday morning we set up our battery powered QRP station. QRP is radio-ese for low power. This particular setup was 5 watts on all the relevant ham bands. We used a slingshot to hoist antenna suspension lines up to ~ 20 feet in the big pines by our campsite. We spoke with stations in Wyoming, Hawaii, South Florida and up and down the golden state. Aside from some overly loud music past midnight, and chainsaw-wielding firewood gatherers on Saturday, it was a sublime experience.

Partial lunar eclipse just starting to take a bite at 0321 PDT.

Battery powered QRP station

Our antenna strung between trees.

Exchanging signals all over the United States.

Re: Land of many uses - ARRL Field Day

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:39 am
by Johnny Bronson
Sweet communications setup =D very sweet