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San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:48 pm
by Zach
After many failed attempts at the San Antonio ridge traverse I finally got to tick this one off the list. Up until this point Iron Mountain had been the bane of my hiking "existence." Every time I went up that damn piece of earth I would leave its flanks battered, thirsty, and even more confounded than the last....

So when I arrived at the parking lot at 0400 I had this sense of dread as well as a feeling of resolve to complete that blasphemous ridge once and for all. As I'm sure all of you know, the route has no water on it during the summer months and I was quite relieved when I stepped out into the nice cool morning air at the (already full) Heaton Flats parking lot. Tina, Mike O, Mike T, and Lee arrived a bit later and we started up the trail around 0440. It was nice and cool and the various plants and brush were flowering which added a nice scent to the air. We paid our dues to the south ridge of Iron and found ourselves on the summit a little after 0800. We lounged about the summit for few hours waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. Mike B arrived on the summit (bringing us to a total of 3 Mikes). He had overslept a bit but did a great job of catching up. The rest of the group arrived and we soon departed down the SA ridge around 1100. The first mile containing the "technical" difficulties was great fun. It was amazing to look back up the the craggy ridge to Iron. Once through the Gunsight Notch I was traveling on unfamiliar, yet beautiful terrain. I think that was my favorite part of the entire hike. The slightly rolling hills leading to West Baldy ridge proper seemed so remote and untouched compared to a lot of the other hikes I've done in the San Gabriel's. I dunno, maybe I was just too excited to finally be close to completing the hike. I think it was at that moment that my hatred for Iron seemed to melt away. We climbed the ridge to West Baldy through nice shady pine trees which eventually gave way to talus and small patches of snow. As I approached the proper summit from West Baldy I saw a lanky figure in the distance... who turned out to be none other than TacoDelRio!!!!!!! I was slightly surprised that he had stayed until 1700 (I had told him we would be there between 1200-1400 :shock:) I did my Snow Creek scream. We re-hydrated, broke down the little shelter and then made our way off the mountain via the bowl. I had a great time! Thanks to everyone for making it such a great day. :D

Photos from Mike B:








Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:22 am
by norma r
:D Great TR Zach and a HUGE CONGRATS to ticking this off! Hard to believe both you and Dave G completed this nagging menace within, what 8 days of each other? I realize nailing it in good weather and with good conditions you give yourself a better chance at success. And it worked, you did it! Your whole group did it! Congrats to Tina, the Mike's and Lee also! I do think you must have left out some jucier moments in your TR, though. But maybe those will come from Tina. How much fun was it really???

I like the craggy rocks in the pix. I'll look forward to scrambling that section someday too. It kinda has the look of desert peaks.

So the SA Ridge Traverse is behind you. What's next? Disneyland? :D

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:20 am
by Zach
I'm going up to Rattlesnake Peak to blaze a trail from there to South Mount Hawkins.

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:08 am
by Dave G
Zach wrote:I'm going up to Rattlesnake Peak to blaze a trail from there to South Mount Hawkins.
:lol: We'll be looking forward to that TR. :lol:

Great job everyone--especially you, Zach! It feels good to vanquish those demons, doesn't it?
The Ridge is a beautiful and wild place to be sure, and I have no doubt that I'll revisit it before too long.
Good on Ryan for hanging out on Baldy all day and not giving up on you guys--another example of the true spirit of mountaineering. The alcohol he had loaded in his bunker (the spirits of mountaineering?) helped him in his task, no doubt. :wink:

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:43 am
by AW~
excellent...thanks for sharing!

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:52 am
by Zach
moar pics courtesy tina: ... rse6192010#

@Dave: yeah it felt really good... when i passed that spot we downclimbed to try and retreat off the ridge i immediately thought of you. You should come with me up rattlesnake so we can establish more painful memories together. :wink:

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:22 am
by tinaballina
Nice TR....this one was a ball buster but long awaited.

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:31 am
by tinaballina
Zach wrote:moar pics courtesy tina: ... rse6192010#

Courtesy Mike (MO)

@Dave: yeah it felt really good... when i passed that spot we downclimbed to try and retreat off the ridge i immediately thought of you. You should come with me up rattlesnake so we can establish more painful memories together. :wink:

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:47 pm
by Dave G
Zach wrote:You should come with me up rattlesnake so we can establish more painful memories together. :wink:
I might be interested, as long as there is a strict no-bivy policy enforced. :wink:
I'm liking those less and less, the older I get. :x

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:44 pm
by cougarmagic
Great job guys - that is very cool!!

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:50 pm
by Johnny Bronson
Nice stuff Zach!sweet write up and pics!

Re: San Antonio Ridge Traverse: Iron to Baldy 6-20-10

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:10 am
by mve
This is a tough route you did -- congratulations! Iron alone is a humbling experience but this is so much more ...

Ryan, your are da-man dude.