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"Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:54 am
by EManBevHills
Who wudda thunk on May 23rd, it would have snowed the entire day on Baldy?? From the trailhead no less!

It was a strange series of events, all seeming to conspire against me:

First, during a sleepless night, I turned the volume down so low on my iPod alarm that I slept right through it! I was awakened when Blooty called to tell me she was about to lose phone service in the canyon and would be along shortly. Aghast, I jumped in the car, spilt all my coffee and skidded going over Laurel Canyon. I got to the T/H at 7:00 -- 1 1/2 hours late -- probably my latest start ever.

The plan was to do Register Ridge, so I booked it up the trail hoping that if I found my partner, she would still be talking to me. At least Blooty had left me a message in the register, so I knew which route she had taken.

After probably my quickest ascent to the BackBone, I was treated to a brief break in the weather and photo op:


I finally met her below the crest of the East Bowl as she was descending with Phil, who had come up via Bear Canyon. What a trooper! She turned right around, went back to the summit with me, and we descended the normal ski hut trail.

On the paved road, we ran into GigaMike who was taking a late jaunt up the hill.

All in all, it was a crazy, wonderful, & very surprising end of season playday in the snow! Thank you, Blooty!

A few additional pics and short poorly shot videos (with the incorrect date) are here: ... directlink

Re: "Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:33 pm
by Taco
Nice! Looks very cool, no pun intended.

Re: "Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:40 pm
by TracieB
Nice pix, EMan...wish I had gotten some of the bowl but the cloud cover never cleared for me long enough to grab a shot.

Re: "Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:46 pm
by GigaMike
Hi EMan & Blooty,
It was great to run into you both on my way up. The Register Ridge route was a fantastic choice. The weather was simply awesome for late May!



My pics: ... 3439_dGHdG

Re: "Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:00 pm
by So.BayMark
Nice pictures from both of you, it was a really nice day Sunday to be up there. Hit trail at 4:50 summited at 8:15 and got back to car at 11:00, as Mike said "awesome"..

mark ... t=outdoors

Re: "Lost" Sunday Surprise!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:36 pm
by GigaMike
Nice pictures, Mark.

Btw, I forgot to add that I found a vest on the summit and took it with me since it was late in the day. I'll return it to the owner if they can describe it.