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Guy gets airlifted from old mt wilson trail today

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:37 am
by Oilslinger
Actually yesterday. My and my friend were coming down from Orchard camp aroind 2:30 and came upon a guy on the trail with a busted ankle, about 100 yards from the heliport. There were a couple people there helping him already, so we went down to the heliport to wave down the helicopter. Anyway heres video I got of the whole thing. I put turned the camera off a few times by mistake, and also to help hold up the hiker so they could put the horse collar around him, but heres a link to the videos. ... 425_01.flv

Re: Guy gets airlifted from old mt wilson trail today

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:36 pm
by blueshammer
I was walking south on the Mt. Wilson Toll Road (towards Hastings Peak) when I saw the helicopter perched over the helipad. I was too far away to learn what was going on, so thanks for the clarification.