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climbing for beginners

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:22 pm
by gottaclimb
new to this, would like any views on when and where to start. Live in So Cal
area. Thanks

Thanks for the info.

Re: climbing for beginners

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:53 pm
by Taco

What kind of climbing are you looking for? Mountaineering, sport climbing, trad climbing, bouldering?

For most forms of rock climbing, Joshua Tree is a world destination.

Thread moved to General Discussion.

Re: climbing for beginners

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:03 pm
by gottaclimb
[quote="gottaclimb"]new to this, would like any views on when and where to start. Live in So Cal
area. Thanks[/quote]

I really don't know what kind I'm looking for. I would like to try all sorts of climbing. I will need to get into climbing shape before taking on anything tuff. Maybe I should start with day hikes. Does Joshua Tree have hiking trails? Thanks.

Re: climbing for beginners

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:33 pm
by Taco
That they do. Offroading, hiking, bouldering, sport climbing, probably some trad but I never really get out there so I'm not sure on that one. It's a good place to learn. Thousands of routes, so you could sorta set up a tour for yourself, ticking off easy routes until you can climb harder ones, etc. ... -park.html

Re: climbing for beginners

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:57 pm
by norma r
I really don't know what kind I'm looking for. I would like to try all sorts of climbing. I will need to get into climbing shape before taking on anything tuff. Maybe I should start with day hikes. Does Joshua Tree have hiking trails? Thanks.
for climbing skills you may look into the So Cal Mountaineer's Assoc Rock Climb Safety Course held for 4 months once a year. i'm currently taking it now to beef up my skills for mountaineering.

to learn trails and meet others who like to hike or climb there are organized groups like and of course there is also the Sierra Club and numerous books about hiking in So Cal, the San Gab's and everywhere under the sun. is another great source for hiking and climbing info as is this board. :) good luck!

Re: climbing for beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:40 pm
by climberslacker
Hey taco,

Josh is mostly trad climbing with a few sport climbs thrown in. Traditional ethic is that if it can be climbed trad, it will not be bolted.

In So-Cal we have our three local "big mountains" San Gorgonio (11,499') in San Bernadion County close to redlands I guess, San Jacinto (10,834') which is in the Palm Springs area and then San Antonio AKA Baldy (10,064) wich is in the L.A. area. There are many many other peaks but these are known as the "3 saints". There is tons of climbing in san diego, from Sport and Trad single pitch at Mission Gorge to long multi pitch routes at El Cajon Mountain. We also have the Sierra (5-7 hour drive) close by for some pretty tall and fun stuff.

Hope this helps!