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Monrovia Peak (almost): 02-09-2008

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:55 pm
by HikeUp
Made a run at Monrovia Peak, but was turned back by icy snow conditions on the east ridge about 400' short of the peak. Hiked up via the Upper Clamshell /Rincon-Red Box roads for a nice 20 mile round trip walk in beautiful conditions. Great views.

Looking up the shaded, steep east ridge (having just trail runners on, I couldn't make any progress up this part - I don't own any winter gear :oops: )...

Looking north towards Islip Saddle...

Mt. Baldy, etc. from White Saddle...

Re: Monrovia Peak (almost): 02-09-2008

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:07 pm
by Taco
Nice shot of that Twin Peaks granite!