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Baldy on Sunday

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:25 pm
by lilbitmo
Since the last two times up Baldy we were faced with White Outs above the rim of the bowl, my friend Ty wanted to go back and actually see what’s to be seen from the summit without being blown off the top or just not being able to see only “white” :-)

Four of us met up with another friend who had not done the summit in snow conditions at the trailhead. Two hours later we were at the Ski Hut, not that busy of a day when we got there but that changes within the time we were there. Only three people had been up already with one having spent the night on top. After snacks we threw on crampons and headed out – two were going to “skin” with skies to the top of the bowl on the south side, two were going up that same way with crampons and I went straight up the face of the bowl on the left through “Once is Enough” (I think see pictures and tell me otherwise if I’m wrong).

The two skies (Bob and Phil) were getting blisters so they decided to ski across the face of the bowl, while Ty and Greg came up the main trail from the saddle on the south side and grab me while I waited above the rim after topping out in just over and hour. The snow in the bowl is melting fast, more rocks are exposed daily but it’s still consistent enough to have fun. We made our way to the summit, did the usual pictures, they went down the main trail to while I went straight down “Three Pin Alley” traversed over to Baldy Beach, glissading the whole time – snow was getting fairly slushy by then.

Great Day, Great Friends, Great Fun – Happy Birthday Ty, nice work everyone. :D

My Photobucket account is having problems so all my pictures are on the (Updated to Picassa) site and you should still be able to see them even if you not a member. Let me know otherwise. (03-31-2010 Photobucket is still playing games so I moved the picture to my Picassa account see below :shock: )

Pictures here - ... 1951124978

Re: Baldy on Sunday

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:52 pm
by Sam Page
Sounds like you made good time up the bowl.

Incidentally, when I clicked on the photo link, I got this message: "Sign up for Facebook to become Patrick T. Moran's Friend."

Re: Baldy on Sunday

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:06 am
by bluerail
same here.

Re: Baldy on Sunday

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:39 am
by Taco
Become his friend then, god damnit. :lol:

Re: Baldy on Sunday

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:02 am
by tinaballina
Nice Patrick!