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Big Horn Peak from Lytle Creek

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:56 pm
by TracieB
Last Sunday Eman led me up Lytel Creek to Big Horn Peak on what I will call Eman's slippery slope boot camp for out of shape hikers (like me). We were off trail on the high side, which meant a long right handed traverse, and by the time we got to Big Horn, I was exausted. We met up with a new guy to So. Cal, from Montana via Denver, Garrett. He is a nice guy so if you see him out there, say hi. Anyhow, the snow is melting quickly up to Ice House Saddle. A few pix:

Another nice day in the San Gabriel Mountains!

Re: Big Horn Peak from Lytle Creek

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:11 pm
by James
Sounds like a fun trip. Great pictures. Always nice to have a tree to lean on.

Re: Big Horn Peak from Lytle Creek

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:27 pm
by lilbitmo
Nice work Tracie, Eman and welcome Garrett or Montana/Denver to our neck of the woods (literally) :-) Spring is here and the forest is coming alive.