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Glendora to Manker Flats

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:33 pm
by Ze Hiker
Lately I've been starting to cycle, with the full intention of riding through some of the roads in the San Gabriels. This was my first real attempt to cycle up.

I started in Glendora and headed up the immediately steep GMR (6-7% grade is steep for me on bike!). After about 2500 ft on non stop climbing, I reached the junction with glendora ridge road, and took this toward Baldy Village.

I had really nice views of the area from Twin Peaks to Baldy. Good for some scouting detail. I reached Baldy Village in about 2 hrs and stopped for a bit.

My quads were getting a good beating, but I really wanted to try to make it to Manker Flats, so off I went. I was immediately slower than before, and I knew it was just going to get worse with those damned switchbacks after Icehouse canyon.

By this time it was getting warm, and I was getting up 2 switchbacks then stopping and stretching. I felt like I could get up faster by foot than bike, but kept cycling up slowly. On the last switchback I starting getting more cramps, and I was so happy to finally reach the slight downhill.

As I reached Manker Flats it started getting steep again, and I was slowly going past all these families staring at my scary outfit and deep breathing. Just a few 100 ft from the trailhead, I started getting really bad cramps in my quads and had to get off an stretch, finally finishing meagerly by the portapotties.

I walked up the road to San Antonio Falls to rest.

On the way back I decided to fly down to Claremont than over to Glendora to avoid the hills of GRR. My quads are toast.

50 miles
6500 ft gain

Map & Pictures

Re: Glendora to Manker Flats

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:55 pm
by obie
What are you running? Standard 53-39?

My climbing rig on the roadie is a 50-34 with 11-28.

The MTB is better with the triple and 11-34 but I haul gear with that and the Manker - Notch ride can be a bear in the heat.

Re: Glendora to Manker Flats

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:28 pm
by Ze Hiker
I'm a noob, I have no idea! I assume standard. Lower gears would have been nice in a few spots!

Of course, when flat I'd prefer to have higher gears. Guess can't have them all

Re: Glendora to Manker Flats

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:24 pm
by obie
Yea, the compact 50-34 saves my knees. I'd rather spin more on the 9-12% sections than power up them.

Compact or a triple makes for a good investment if you do those long rides with lots of climbing.

I only miss the 53/12 big cruising gearing when it's a long downhill like Onyx to Redlands. I can spin the 50/11 till about 35 mph and then its all about gravity.