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Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:30 pm
by AlanK
I finally got out for a decent hike -- the past few weeks have not been great. I hiked the familiar Bear Flat Trail (or Baldy Village Trail or Village Church Trail or Old Man's Trail -- that last name worked for me today) on a beautiful, clear day with temperatures in the 40s to 60s. I saw no one headed for the top on the way up. However, I went down via the Ski Hut, which means I ran into the mobs. I returned to the Village on the road. A bit boring, but not too bad. There is still plenty of snow above about 7500' -- lower on the Ski Hut Tril, although unpleasantly sloppy below the Hut.

The too-cute Bear Flat sign is gone -- it deteriorated rather rapidly over the past few years. The new sign is unimaginative but official-looking.


Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:45 pm
by HikeUp
AlanK wrote:The too-cute Bear Flat sign is gone...

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:31 pm
by AlanK
AlanK wrote:The new sign is unimaginative but official-looking.

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:47 pm
by lilbitmo
Nice to see you back out Alan, if I'm not mistaken the old sign burned up on the fire that hit that area two years ago, I think I saw it 3 months later and it was in shambles. :cry:

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:02 am
by JayO
Alan, where is Eric these days? Maybe running track instead of hiking with his "old man". :)

Did the MicroSpikes give way to the crampons fairly early in the hike?

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:47 am
by AlanK
JayO wrote:Alan, where is Eric these days? Maybe running track instead of hiking with his "old man". :)

Did the MicroSpikes give way to the crampons fairly early in the hike?
Eric is into track season, so he does not get in any hiking these days. He's in great shape, though!

The microspikes came in handy for a mile or so, but eventually a better grip was looking rather attractive. There are some long, quick, potential rides on that route.

The snow was sure nicer on the Bear Flat Trail than on the Ski Hut one. Of course I was on it earlier in the day, but the downhill hike was pretty sloppy, at least below the Hut.
lilbitmo wrote:Nice to see you back out Alan, if I'm not mistaken the old sign burned up on the fire that hit that area two years ago, I think I saw it 3 months later and it was in shambles. :cry:
The sign was still there last August, but in sad shape. Here is is on 8/14/09.


Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:32 pm
by norma r
nice hike Alan! nothing like choosing a butt kicker when going for a "decent hike.". i also miss that cute little bear sign. :(

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:36 pm
by AlanK
norma r wrote:nice hike Alan! nothing like choosing a butt kicker when going for a "decent hike.". i also miss that cute little bear sign. :(
The butt kicker choice and my old man comment are closely related. But I am glad I went. :D

Re: Baldy via Bear Flat 3-20-10

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:35 pm
by Melito Irpino
Thanks for the trip report. I'm planning on hiking Bear Flat tomorrow morning. Sounds like I can probably gain 4000 ft. before deciding if I want to deal with snow and crampons. First hike of the year, so I'd be surprised if I'm up for much more than 4000 ft. anyways.