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Snow Gives way and Man falls into crater of Mt. Saint Helens

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:40 pm
by lilbitmo
See story here, rescue attempt is being hampered by high winds and falling rocks.,2933,586 ... latestnews

Re: Snow Gives way and Man falls into crater of Mt. Saint Helens

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:08 pm
by Tim
Poor guy didn't make it through the night :( ... ens_rescue

Sad story. He was having his picture taken and backed up too far onto that cornice. Apparently he didn't fall completely right away and clung on for a bit. He survived the 1500 ft fall and even blew his whistle at the helicopters who spotted him. But they couldn't land because of the weather and had to abort. That must have awful for him to watch them leave and realize they're not coming back. Must be tough on the pilots too who saw him alive but couldn't do anything. Exposure is such a horrible, slow way to go. RIP fellow climber.